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WATCH: Disrupt J20 Activists Plan Terrorist Activities to Disrupt Inauguration
James O’Keefe and Project Veritas released a new undercover video on Tuesday showing left-wing activists with the “DisruptJ20” effort plotting to stop Donald Trump’s inauguration by chaining D.C. Metro trains and blocking roads.
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We assume that the appropriate government agencies have been made aware of this pansy-fest ‘mobilization’?
Not that it will really get much done in the general vicinity of the main event, because there will be 3,000 cops, DC cops, 5,000 National Guard, 5,000 Army, 8,000 – 10,000 ‘Bikers for Trump’ and then you get down to the regular Trump supporting people there for this historic event. I’m thinking the average wussie leftist ‘protester’ will be having a bad day.