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Britain votes ‘leave’ – the beginning of the end of the EU

In total disagreement with pre-vote polls, the United Kingdom has voted to regain its sovereignty and leave the European Union.

Motivated by frustration and anger at the unelected bureaucrats in Brussels, Britain’s voters went to the polls on Thursday and voted to leave the EU by a 52% to 48% margin.

The immediate consequence of the Brexit win are that Prime Minister David Cameron resigned once the results were finalized.

President Obama attempted to dictate to the British people that they should stay in the EU lest they end up “at the back of the queue” for any trade deals with the United States.


Presidential hopeful and FBI suspect Hillary Clinton had also told Brits that they should remain in the European Union or they might suffer consequences.

Neither Hillary nor Obama’s threats brought about the New World Order’s desired result and may have actually pushed the vote in the opposite direction.

Donald Trump held a press conference at his golf course in Scotland where he spoke on the vote results and the state of his campaign.

Trump praised the result as “a great thing” and admonished Obama and Clinton for having attempted to dictate to the British what they should do. When asked about Hillary’s support for the ‘remain’ camp, Trump responded “she’s always misread everything.”

British voters desire increased sovereignty, actual borders and a strong national identity – the same characteristics Americans will be voting for or against this November.

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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One Comment

  1. Sovereignty – forced immigration – economy – were the key motivators that led to the bold and courageous move of England’s departure from the Big Brother EU……The PEOPLE UNITED… and their voices were heard….72% of registered voters went to the polls….Can we match that in November ? OR will many of us stay home, suck our thumb and ‘settle’ for status quo on the road to full blow Socialism?

    The ‘Brits’ showed this same courage and fortitude when they left the Church of England and came to this promised land to practice their Christianity. Do ‘we the people’ still have what it takes? I BELIEVE we do and UNITY IS THE KEY.

    The comparison of motivating factors is undeniable. Can our American Courage also be compared? It really come down to how much thinking for yourself and the freedoms our Constitution provides mean to you….how much we are willing to give to keep them.

    It won’t be easy and we may be scarred and bruised and lose a few battles, but WE CAN WIN THIS WAR.

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