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NY Construction Workers Next Target for PC Police

I am not a supporter of the former New York City Mayor, but this is exactly the kind of thing Michael Bloomberg spoke against when he took a giant crap on safe zones.

Business Insider published an article admonishing construction workers for whistling at women passing by worksites. How is it that men at work (see what I did there), admiring attractive ladies (that they don’t work with) is news?

The claim made by the offended, precious little snowflakes of feminism is that men whistling at them, complimenting them or asking them to smile from a distance signifies to them that they should be:

1. Reminded that they don’t have a right to their body or to public spaces.
2. Forced to acknowledge a tired cliché.

How the #$%#%#%  does being complimented (even if by a construction worker) remind a woman that she has no right to her body?

Which “tired cliché” are these women struggling to outrun?

Have we gotten to a point where women can’t possibly defend themselves against … a whistle? Feminism is starting to look a bit weak if this is true.

Life isn’t comfortable. People say things around us, to us and at us that we don’t necessarily appreciate. 95% of us buck up and move on, 4% go berserk and end up a news story and the other 1% .. are represented in the craptastic Business Intelligence story.

Adult women demanding a safe zone is no less silly than college kids demanding safe zones. There is no such thing. Life is full of unsafe zones.

But no matter how people feel about the issue, government has come up with the answer – as it always does..

The solution to this society-wrecking issue is to make the construction workers wear .. colored hats.  Ah jeez (I couldn’t make this crap up!)

In a move to hold construction workers accountable for their actions, those working on a massive apartment complex in the Prospect Heights neighborhood of Brooklyn will now wear different-colored hardhats identifying which company they work for, making it easier for victims to report incidents of street harassment.

But what is the real message?

What if a tuxedo-wearing dude stepped out of his limo, saw an attractive woman walking by and said “wow?” Same problem? Will they make him wear a colored-hat? Guessing that answer is no.

It’s an elitist, entitled view of the world. Only because the woman finds those men inferior does she wish the admiration to stop and them to be punished, labelled and otherwise beat down.

Those men aren’t creating a hostile work environment for her (unless she works on the site), they aren’t preventing her from getting where she wants to go and they aren’t harming her. This is stuff of safe-space logic where no one can say anything or do anything that anyone else doesn’t like because of a weak human being that doesn’t have the tools to deal with controversy.

If a construction worker impedes a person from getting to their destination or otherwise assaults them – those are crimes – call the police. NO… not the PC police – the real men in blue.

And for those weak, precious little snowflakes who are turned into a mushy puddle of uselessness by catcalls – “here’s your sign.”


I say.. get over it. There are much bigger problems to solve in the world.

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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