Even California can’t escape Obama’s ‘ Successes’
President Obama’s words during Tuesday night’s State of the Union speech ring hollow for California as they do for the rest of the nation.
California is experiencing a huge uptick in gang activity and homelessness despite the President’s multitude of pretty charts and figures matched with velvet words from an ineffective leader.
Overall crime Los Angeles last year rose to its highest level since 2009 because of higher gang activity and homelessness, the Los Angeles Police Department said Wednesday.
While the President is focused on the mythical “gun show loophole” – a moniker intended to invoke fear about legal private sales – the rest of the nation, and especially L.A., Detroit, New York and Chicago are dealing with the fact that those bent on breaking the law don’t much care about additional laws. Murder has been illegal for a very, very, very long time.
Why is there no Presidential executive order/action to round up anyone in a gang and get them off the streets … forever? If you join a gang.. you are a terrorist. You are an inner-city, America-hating terrorist and should be prosecuted as such and sent to Guantanamo Bay .. ok, maybe not Cuba, but something harsh.
The President and Democrats are unwilling to deal with gang violence. They won’t blame gang culture. They won’t touch the inner-cities – it’s just the gun’s fault .. or some such illogical crap.
Statistics show that democrats are getting inner-city black people killed by the hundreds and only if the gang issue is attacked head-on will black America have a chance to live in peace.