GOP Candidates Who I Don’t Think Will Make It
I am sure everyone has watched the GOP debates, we all have our own opinions on how they all did. Some stood out, others did not, and others should never have gotten in the race in the first place. I have a list of people who I think should bow out and let the cream rise to the top. I know there are those that will come down on me because I picked their choice, but I have my opinion and you have yours. Here’s my list.
Jim Gilmore – I know he was the Governor of Virginia and I only know that because I read it somewhere. He has no name recognition, not one person I know ever heard of him before the debate.
Lindsey Graham – Senator from South Carolina, he knows his stuff but he just don’t have that umph to motivate the voters.
Ben Carson – He doesn’t have the knowledge of worldly views, he lacks charisma and is boring, and he can put you to sleep when he gives a speech.
Carly Fiorina – She is another one who doesn’t have that umph. Being fired from a major corporation because of lack luster performance hurts her big time. Also lost to Barbra Boxer in 2010. I know she is starting to move up, but I just don’t think she has the cut.
Bobby Jindal – Governor of Louisiana can’t seem to get his poll numbers up, especially in his home state. If he can’t win his home state he won’t win a national election.
Mike Huckabee – Let me say I like Mike Huckabee, but I think he is past his time, he had his shot and I don’t see him moving up.
George Pataki – He was a successful Governor of my home state of New York, but as a national candidate, I don’t see him catching on.
Rand Paul – I know he is the darling of many, but right now with a terror threat so visible, he seems to be against many programs that are in place to protect us. He is a true believer in the Constitution and we need that, but I just don’t see him catching fire right now.
Rick Perry – The very successful Governor of the great state of Texas. I think he knows his stuff and would make a great president; I just don’t see him catching on, probably because of his previous try for president.
Donald Trump – I have been a fan of Mr. Trump since the 1980’s after all I am a New Yorker, he speaks what is in his heart and he doesn’t care what others think. We need someone like him, but just not him, he is going to start to fade soon because he is starting to look like a big self centered blowhard and if he is starting to look like that to a fan of his for 30 years, others will follow.
Remember this is my opinion, and as we all know anything can happen in a presidential race, one speech, one gotchya moment and everything can change, but right now, this is what I think. May the best candidate win.
“What Kind Of Society Are We Leaving Our Kids” Available here.
This is one man’s opinion.
Sadly, this “Big Debate” turned into the “Don & Meg” show almost immediately & crowed out an honest discussion afterwards. The real loser was the American voter…..on with your list……I’m not big on ‘re-runs that lost and would not show support for the majority’s choice in the general election, that means I would add Santorium * (I voted for him in primary) ……JIM GILMORE former governor of Virginia, is unknown by most(even less than Firoina) very calm, with an excellent resume!m just late to the game.
I agree with your list, think you were ‘just a trifle’ kind in some of your explanations….
Let’s not count out Carly…..If you recall she left HP in good shape and iI agree is low key…….but ?