A Clinton Is In Trouble Again; So Where Is Lanny Davis to Defend Them?
Even James Carville has arisen from the dead to appear on television pimping for the latest Clinton in trouble and telling us how evil the Republicans (and by inference, the FBI for investigating her server) are for questioning Hillary on her email troubles, so I think it’s only natural to ask where Lanny Davis is since he is only seen when the Clintons have wrangled themselves into another uncomfortable position. Maybe our Lanny has seen just one too many Clinton scandals over the years and is tired of lying to defend their worn out, worthless butts. Lanny has been very good in the past at abusing the truth and flogging logic in order to explain why Bill and Hillary are above reproach, but maybe with the FBI getting involved and with Hillary handing over to them a server that has been wiped clean of any email messages (why would she have had it wiped if there were only recipes and conversations about her daughter’s wedding on it?) our Lanny has had it up to here, I know the rest of America that is still sane after dealing with the Clintons and then Obama for many years, have had it higher than up to here.
It would even appear that Hillary’s fellow liberals are no longer willing to help her when she steps in a pile of it, because the New York Times and CNN are covering her current troubles rather well, and even Obama seems to have tired of her since he has not forbidden the FBI to go forward with an investigation (however Obama was in recent days seen golfing with Bill which could possibly be taken as a conflict of interest) and with Obama there is no impartial, disinterested ground on which to stand: he’s either for you or against you, and the current investigation doesn’t look good for our lady Hillary.