You May Be A Liberal/Democrat/Progressive if…
You believe the White House should dictate housing and building codes for neighborhoods
You think voter ID laws are a bad thing and are discriminatory
You think massive, long-run quantitative easing is good for the economy
You believe homosexuality is due to global warming
You think the wealth creation of capitalism is only a chance, temporary thing
You think the wealth creation of capitalism only favors the already-rich
You believe that legislators should be required to vote on a bill to find out what’s in the bill
You believe that the White House dictating overtime rates for private companies is a good idea
You believe ISIS is a “JV” team and not worth opposing
You think fracking poisons drinking water
If anything on this list applies to you, you would be well advised to read a broader set of documents and think a bit harder than you’ve done to this point, because you are wrong.