The “supreme court”!!!! What Constitution????? What God?????
Once again we see the Constitution rendered irrelevant. This time by five people who view themselves and their opinions as superior to even the Word of God, and ignore the precepts that this nation was founded upon. Five arrogant “what I think is above all else in the universe” lawyers have decided that they can determine what states can or cannot do in spite of the fact that the Constitution does not give them that right. This nation is no longer a representative republic. It is now a dictatorship ruled by people who don’t even acknowledge God as being above themselves. They expect Christians to abandon our beliefs and faith to adhere to their pronouncements of what should be right and wrong. The Holy Bible says a man and woman should become one flesh to populate the earth. God told Adam and Eve to take dominion over the earth and to “go forth and multiply”. The Bible also calls homosexuality an “abomination before God” and says that a man should not lay with a man as he would a woman. Those who do so will not enter Heaven.
No religion in the world, that I know of, accepts homosexuality as normal. Even the satanic cult they call Islam rejects homosexuality, and kills those who participate in homosexual activity. I guess the “supreme court” is going to force Islam to marry homosexuals! I would dare to say imams will be exempt as the entire focus of the homo Gestapo is in destroying the right of Christians to adhere to their faith. I have not heard of a single attempt to intimidate a moslem business into supporting homosexuality but it happens to Christian businesses almost daily. I wonder if the fact that Christians don’t kill them but moslems do is a factor.
Government people, elected or appointed, think of themselves as THE ultimate authority over everything. Their arrogance will be their downfall but, sadly, will take this nation down with them, including innocent people who believe in God and wish to follow His way. Christians are targeted in the USA today the way Jews were in Nazi Germany. It hasn’t come to the point of being murdered, yet, but that will happen. At first Hitler denigrated the Jews, blaming them for all of the bad economic problems that came as a result of World War I. next came the vandalism of their homes and businesses. Then came rounding them up and killing them. Today Christians are being denigrated by the government and their lackeys in the media. We are called Nazi, homophobic, bigots, closed minded, and worse because we refuse to accept what God calls sin. I didn’t determine what God’s Word says but I will follow it and suffer the recrimination and persecution it will mean in this life to gain eternal life in Paradise. The ruling on same sex marriage will ramp up the pressure to conform or be further attacked, legally at first and then physically. Those who will dismiss this are either delusional or trying to lull Christians into passively trodding to the FEMA extermination camps thinking they will be cared for by the government as were the Jews of the 1930s.
Those who don’t comply will find taxes used against them, then find their homes and possessions confiscated, then be hunted down like rabid animals targeted for death. Don’t say it won’t happen because that is what was said when Hitler first took power but he did it. Just because it hasn’t happened yet doesn’t mean it won’t happen. why do you think so many politicians and leftist bureaucrats and media want people disarmed? in the 20th century 56 million people were first disarmed then murdered by their governments. Despotism isn’t gone because Hitler and Stalin are dead. There are plenty just like them in Washington D C (De Cesspool) today. They are hard at work demonizing Christian patriots, especially gun owning ones! When 5 judges can strip We the People of our right to follow God’s commandments they can strip us of the rest of our God given rights also!
Everything Hitler did to the Jews was perfectly legal under German laws the puppet parliament passed and today we see the same type of thing taking place in the USA. We are not at 1938 Germany yet but we are very, very close and accelerating to it rapidly. Again, many will dismiss and laugh at what I write but it is happening quickly and the “final solution of the Christian problem” is not far away. Hitler eventually expanded his victims well beyond the Jews and today’s despots will get around to the liberal populace, illegal aliens, and homosexuals in due time because they thrive on making victims of people.
To the homosexual Gestapo and other liberals I say ” be careful what you ask for as it will eventually bite you on the butt because Satan will come after you after Christians have all been murdered”. Eventually Adolph Hitler got around to persecuting any person who he saw as a threat whether they were or not and this will happen here when the dictatorship is complete. You can celebrate now but you will lose in the end, and in eternity. If you say you don’t believe in God I can tell you that someday you will believe but it may be too late to change your mind then. I don’t care what peoples’ sexual preferences are but don’t slap me in the face with perversion and expect me to applaud it. Moslems like having sex with goats and that is fine as long as they do it in their satanic toilet countries. That is their choice but I won’t accept it as normal regardless of what some judge might say. I pray for this nation and the misguided people who believe that whatever they do should be forced on the rest of us.
I submit this in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, in faith, with the responsibility given to me by Almighty God to honor His work and not let it die from neglect.
Bob Russell
Claremore, Oklahoma
July 2, 2015
Once again we see the Constitution rendered irrelevant. This time by five people who view themselves and their opinions as superior to even the Word of God, and ignore the precepts that this nation was founded upon. Five arrogant “what I think is above all else in the universe” lawyers have decided that they can determine what states can or cannot do in spite of the fact that the Constitution does not give them that right. This nation is no longer a representative republic. It is now a dictatorship ruled by people who don’t even acknowledge God as being above themselves. They expect Christians to abandon our beliefs and faith to adhere to their pronouncements of what should be right and wrong. The Holy Bible says a man and woman should become one flesh to populate the earth. God told Adam and Eve to take dominion over the earth and to “go forth and multiply”. The Bible also calls homosexuality an “abomination before God” and says that a man should not lay with a man as he would a woman. Those who do so will not enter Heaven.
No religion in the world, that I know of, accepts homosexuality as normal. Even the satanic cult they call Islam rejects homosexuality, and kills those who participate in homosexual activity. I guess the “supreme court” is going to force Islam to marry homosexuals! I would dare to say imams will be exempt as the entire focus of the homo Gestapo is in destroying the right of Christians to adhere to their faith. I have not heard of a single attempt to intimidate a moslem business into supporting homosexuality but it happens to Christian businesses almost daily. I wonder if the fact that Christians don’t kill them but moslems do is a factor.
Government people, elected or appointed, think of themselves as THE ultimate authority over everything. Their arrogance will be their downfall but, sadly, will take this nation down with them, including innocent people who believe in God and wish to follow His way. Christians are targeted in the USA today the way Jews were in Nazi Germany. It hasn’t come to the point of being murdered, yet, but that will happen. At first Hitler denigrated the Jews, blaming them for all of the bad economic problems that came as a result of World War I. next came the vandalism of their homes and businesses. Then came rounding them up and killing them. Today Christians are being denigrated by the government and their lackeys in the media. We are called Nazi, homophobic, bigots, closed minded, and worse because we refuse to accept what God calls sin. I didn’t determine what God’s Word says but I will follow it and suffer the recrimination and persecution it will mean in this life to gain eternal life in Paradise. The ruling on same sex marriage will ramp up the pressure to conform or be further attacked, legally at first and then physically. Those who will dismiss this are either delusional or trying to lull Christians into passively trodding to the FEMA extermination camps thinking they will be cared for by the government as were the Jews of the 1930s.
Those who don’t comply will find taxes used against them, then find their homes and possessions confiscated, then be hunted down like rabid animals targeted for death. Don’t say it won’t happen because that is what was said when Hitler first took power but he did it. Just because it hasn’t happened yet doesn’t mean it won’t happen. why do you think so many politicians and leftist bureaucrats and media want people disarmed? in the 20th century 56 million people were first disarmed then murdered by their governments. Despotism isn’t gone because Hitler and Stalin are dead. There are plenty just like them in Washington D C (De Cesspool) today. They are hard at work demonizing Christian patriots, especially gun owning ones! When 5 judges can strip We the People of our right to follow God’s commandments they can strip us of the rest of our God given rights also!
Everything Hitler did to the Jews was perfectly legal under German laws the puppet parliament passed and today we see the same type of thing taking place in the USA. We are not at 1938 Germany yet but we are very, very close and accelerating to it rapidly. Again, many will dismiss and laugh at what I write but it is happening quickly and the “final solution of the Christian problem” is not far away. Hitler eventually expanded his victims well beyond the Jews and today’s despots will get around to the liberal populace, illegal aliens, and homosexuals in due time because they thrive on making victims of people.
To the homosexual Gestapo and other liberals I say ” be careful what you ask for as it will eventually bite you on the butt because Satan will come after you after Christians have all been murdered”. Eventually Adolph Hitler got around to persecuting any person who he saw as a threat whether they were or not and this will happen here when the dictatorship is complete. You can celebrate now but you will lose in the end, and in eternity. If you say you don’t believe in God I can tell you that someday you will believe but it may be too late to change your mind then. I don’t care what peoples’ sexual preferences are but don’t slap me in the face with perversion and expect me to applaud it. Moslems like having sex with goats and that is fine as long as they do it in their satanic toilet countries. That is their choice but I won’t accept it as normal regardless of what some judge might say. I pray for this nation and the misguided people who believe that whatever they do should be forced on the rest of us.
I submit this in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, in faith, with the responsibility given to me by Almighty God to honor His work and not let it die from neglect.
Bob Russell
Claremore, Oklahoma
July 2, 2015