
Just For The Record, I’m Liking “The Donald”

It’s too early to predict which of the many Republican candidates will survive the campaigning task that’s ahead of them, and one never knows which candidates one will like after some extended exposure, but too many pundits have asked how the public feels about Trump at this point considering the bad press he’s gotten, so with full humility, and speaking only as one of the great unwashed masses out here in fly-over country, I want to share with the world that Donald Trump is looking good to me at this point.  He takes it to the liberals and tells them exactly what he thinks of any situation that arises, and so far his remarks have been on-the-mark and exactly what needs to be said to the party of Obama and the Clintons.  And probably the most favorable things I’ve seen are that he won’t wilt when the liberals come down hard on him, and political correctness is not something he seems to be familiar with.

There are many excellent candidates on the Republican roster this time around (one fears possibly too many to keep track of) but the attacks on Trump by the press, NBC, New York City’s mayor, Macy’s, Univision and even by some conservatives who worry too much about being liked, show how much they fear a conservative who will lash out at America’s political enemies and show no fear under fire.  We probably all wish that Sarah Palin had been able to withstand the attacks she sustained a few years back because she was an excellent candidate, attacks that proved how afraid of her the libs are.  But now we have a plain-speaking candidate in Trump and I find it refreshing and encouraging. Plus, Trump is fun to watch.  He’s bigger than life, and richer, too, and his bombastic approach is constantly entertaining. I hope he sticks around for a while.

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Dave King

Retired AT&T supervisor.

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One Comment

  1. I agree with you 100% Dave. He’d be good for the country too. He knows how to make deals with countries since he wrote the book “the Art of the Deal”.We need someone who will not wimp out in a dangerous world. He said in his letter to NBC that it is a shame they stick by lying Brian Williams ,but will not stand by someone who tells the truth. Besides his wife would make an excellent first lady. She’s gorgeous and his daughter Ivanka is doing quite well and would be an excellent example for today’s youth. I wrote about him in my article on here called A Nation of Wimps and Sheep about all the people that criticize him and the Confederate flag. Check it out.

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