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What is Trade Promotion Authority (TPA)

Trade Promotion Authority, otherwise known as TPA allows the executive branch of the United States to negotiate trade agreements without congressional interference.

TPA is also known as “fast track” authority. The more friendly moniker truthfully labels this power as a way to make trade deals quicker. Unfortunately, they may also be made without due consideration of the consequences to American workers.

In truth, TPA allows the President to negotiate trade deals which Congress can then only vote up or down – no amendments. Without debate, the President can rush through whatever he thinks is prudent and Congress – and Americans – have to swallow the thing whole or abandon the agreement all together. Prior to the agreement being finalized, no one knows what’s in it. Should Congress have to pass legislation just to learn what’s in it?

A more deliberative approach would be to allow Congress to be party to the details of the negotiations, debate the bullet points and offer suggestions to improve the trade deal in America’s interest.

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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  1. … and make any negotiations completely transparent!!!

    Even if this was a good bill – and it’s NOT – the secrecy aspect alone should be enough to scare the hell out of us! They argue for TPA because otherwise the partners in the negotiations won’t put their best foot forward fearing our Congress would amend them anyway.

    SO WHAT?!

    What is it with pin-head politicals who constantly try to go around the proper impediment to government that is meant to protect our rights, our liberty and our Sovereignty?

    The very idea that the trade partners are more important to the negotiators than we the people is pure unadulterated arrogance; THEY truly believe that they ARE our Natural Superiors who know what is best for us – in spite of the Supreme Law of the land.

    TPA is hands down unconstitutional and WRONG! Congress – protect our Independence! Reader – write your legislators and don’t forget Boehner and McConnell.

  2. “Haste makes waste”….The ‘haste’ I’m referring to is that of ‘passing the bill’….What is more secret than the bill itself is WHY would these people WE elected to look out after our interest would even remotely consider ‘trusting’ anyone with the judgement that Obama and his policies have demonstrated. Isn’t it Obama’s chief adviser that said re Iran “A bad deal is better than no deal”…..

    Derrell is right! Write, call email your congressman ! Oh, be sure to ask them why no one challenged either McConnell or Boehner for leadership?

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