Hillary’s “Full and Equal” Citizenship May Not Be So Equal
Hillary announced Tuesday that she supports “full and equal citizenship” – whatever that means.
The Clinton campaign pushes her stance as superior to Republicans because they’ve never said “full and equal.” Then again, no one has.
The Clintons are expert at saying a lot without saying anything and this latest blurb is a shining example.
First, what does “full and equal” actually mean?
The full part is obvious, but equal is confusing. Does she simply mean equal citizenship with other Americans or that new, illegal immigrants will be considered equally with those having spent years and dollars to go through the legal process?
This is a ploy – pure and simple. Clinton is suffering among her base and moderates. Now, she has to appeal to the non-American voters (yeah, I think I just about puked.)
The fact that the left has no choice but to appeal to people that have no right to vote, wreaks of desperation. It also points to a tyranny yet to develop.
One plays on the weak when they have nothing strong to offer.
As I’ve said many times, with the Clintons the meaning of words matter. For instance; “is” to them means “is not” to us, “all” to them means “not all” to us. The Clintons don’t think of this as lying, more as miscommunication due a lack of common word meaning. As Bill Clinton eloquently put it “It depends on what the meaning of ‘is’ is.”