Can A New President Unravel Obama’s Mess?
There is no doubt that Obama is one of the worst presidents this country has seen, his domestic policies and foreign policies have weakened this country so that America has become a joke around the world. I feel sorry for the next president.
There is no doubt that Obama inherited a bad economy, a recession that the majority of Americans say never ended. American history has shown us that the more severe the recession, the stronger the recovery, but Obama has prevented growth in this country with his anti job growth policies, A.K.A Liberal-Progressive policies. In Obama’s recovery, annual growth has been the slowest since the U.S. began compiling economic statistics, a measly 2.9%. This year is off to an even slower start, with GDP growing 0.2% in the first three months.
Jobs also will be on that list, it took from June 2009 to April 2014, almost five full years to get back to having the same number of people working as when the recession began in December 2007. A third of Americans between 18 and 31 last year were living with their parents, the labor participation rate was at the lowest point since 1978. The Bureau of Labor Statistics says 4.5 million Americans were working part time for economic reasons in December 2007, meaning they could not find full-time work. Last month the number was 6.6 million, a 46% increase. More part-time workers are getting fewer than 30 hours a week.
Let’s not forget the size of Americans paychecks. Inflation-adjusted median household income has dropped, from $54,059 in 2009 to $51,939 in 2013, the only time this has happened during an economic recovery. According to a recent Brookings Institution study, every year of Obama’s presidency more American businesses have closed, merged or gone bankrupt than have been created.
The national debt has risen to 74.1% today from 40.8% the month Obama took office. The Congressional Budget Office says that within 25 years the public debt will exceed 100% of GDP unless Washington changes its policies. Obama wasted six years by refusing to make reforms to hold down growth in entitlement spending, which means programs that will go bust are Social Security disability trust fund in 2016, the Medicare hospital trust fund in 2030 and Social Security’s Old Age and Survivor’s trust fund in 2032.
Let us not forget Obama has made us less safe around the world, calling ISIS the JV team, pulling out of Iraq when all the generals told him not to. Not helping the Ukraine after they were invaded by Russia. Foreign leaders think he is a joke and insult him when ever they can, drawing red lines that mean nothing, and our enemies know it.
Yes there is much more, you can fill in the blanks, Obama-Care which is a disaster, and let’s not forget his unconstitutional executive orders, many have been shot down by the Supreme Court. Obama came into office and divided a nation, I have not seen this country so divided since the mid-1960’s.
Yes, Obama is leaving one hell of a mess and no matter who the next president is they are in for a rough ride, it is gonna take many years to undo the damage this Liberal-Progressive president has done. Will the American people finally learn that Liberal-Progressive policies don’t work and are destructive to our country? Some how I don’t think so.
“What Kind Of Society Are We Leaving Our Kids” Available here.
This is one man’s opinion.
NO, a ‘new’ President cannot ! As a matter of fact, we’ll probably have to cycle through several. Even then, a single leader can only lead those that ‘want’ and have the ‘will’ to recover. No single person will always be pleasing to all of us at the same time. All proclaiming to be ‘conservative Americans”, and absolute that their opinion is the only one that’s right are going to have to get over themselves and join the team (remember, no “I” in team) This is OUR Country and the burden of recovery is ALL of OUR responsibility…….The first battle is to snatch the power out of the hands of those hell bent on our destruction!!! To those that would hold out for someone that clones themselves….you are but a drop in your own bucket….and drops evaporate….The BIG bucket holds more and is tasty……besides if it’s full enough, we can drown ‘the enemy’.
Be a Republican, a Democrat. Conservative or Liberal….But be an AMERICAN FIRST!!!