The Loons are Making Headway!
Each week I am inundated with emails from people all over the country with stories that are “out of this world.” Some are so deep in conspiracy theories that, if compiled, we would have a great science fiction novel. But let’s deal with a little reality, truth, and fact!
Look at what’s happening on our college campuses. Jewish students being arrested at a peaceful protest for inciting a riot. They did nothing. The opposition started the violence because they wanted the Jewish students to stop “spreading their propaganda.” Wow, really!? On our college campuses, where free thought and free flow of ideas are openly welcomed? REALLY? Or recently, at a California college, a Jewish student was denied acceptance to a committee. Not because she was unqualified, but because she was Jewish. Yep. So much for a institutes of higher learning and reason.
Where are the professors and administrators while all this is going on? Sitting around their little Lib think-tanks, or should I say, “Devoid of Rational Thought Tanks.” There is little to no pushback from the Liberal academia. Why? From what I have read, it’s because they are smarter than us! It’s because we are too uneducated to work it through without their help and anyone from “their world.” Any professors who take a more Conservative stance on issues are immediately ridiculed and pushed out. Once again I say, so much for freedom of thought and free flowing ideas on campus.
It seems most of these campuses have become little Liberal concentration camps to reprogram those who have lost their way and gone down the Conservative thinking path. They have to be reprogrammed and brought back to a more Liberal way of thinking. Those already in the Liberal Camp are reinforced that all is good in their world.
No, you say?
Read more at TRS
Yes, indeedy, the ‘inmates are running the asylum’! And we let them! These once prestigious institutions once deserved their designer labels and high regard. They went unchecked while we ‘assumed’ the quality remained. They were allowed to become ‘Socialist Factories’ with an eerie Communist twist. In our own ‘self-elevation’ pursuit we paid more attention to the label rather than product.
Were the untainted Alumni to withdraw their donations and Federal funding held back, there would be a shed full of unemployed professors, deans and the like. As long as we ‘feed the animals’ they will remain. Take away their ‘food’ and they’ll leave, taking their cubbies with them….
“In GOD we trust”…but we are expected to do some of the work….