More Failed Policies Of The Progressive Mentality
The Liberal mind is truly a place where stupidity grows, and it never ceases to amaze me. Once again we see the inventors of political correctness prove how idiotic their policies are. Every time you think they have out done themselves with stupidity, they come up with new and improved ways of proving that they are lacking of common sense.
It seems that in New York City and Chicago and other cities they have come up with a new way to discipline students in school, which is to not discipline them at all. New York public-school students caught stealing; doing drugs or even attacking someone can avoid suspension under new “progressive” discipline rules adopted this past month.
As usual the Progressives are claiming the old way of disciplining children are, (you know what comes next) RACIST. I will never understand how everything is racist to these guys. They are convinced traditional discipline is racist because blacks are suspended at higher rates than whites. Once again, let me say this to the non-thinking Progressives, could it be that blacks are committing more of the crimes than whites?
“Every reasonable effort must be made to correct student behavior through restorative practices,” advises New York city’s new 32-page discipline code. Except everywhere it’s been tried, this softer approach has backfired. Other large urban school districts are reporting fewer suspensions since adopting the non-punitive approach. But that doesn’t necessarily mean fewer infractions. In fact, many districts are seeing more classroom disruptions and violence a national trend that ought to set off warning bells for New York school officials.
What’s more, the movement which is driven by new race-based anti-discipline guidelines issued by the Obama administration (who else) is creating friction between teachers unions and the liberal mayors they otherwise support. Politicians can praise the new system, but its teachers who must deal with the disruptive and sometimes violent results.
“It’s just basically been a totally lawless few months,” one teacher told the Chicago Tribune. The Chicago Teachers Union complained the city’s revised student-discipline code has left teachers struggling to control unruly kids. “You have to have consequences,” Chicago fifth-grade teacher John Engels told the paper. “If you knew the cops weren’t going to enforce the speed limit you’d go 100 miles an hour.” Bravo for that teacher, actions have consequences, why does the Liberal mind not grasp that?
In Syracuse New York, meanwhile, teachers complain student behavior has worsened since the school district collapsed discipline structures in favor of restorative justice practices. They say teens are more apt to fight, mouth off to teachers and roam the halls under the more lenient policy. They’re even seeing increasingly violent behavior among elementary school children.
Even in Los Angeles Unified School District is seeing a similar spike in campus offenses after its school superintendent followed federal orders to reduce suspensions of African-Americans. Even threats against teachers are ignored, as administrators’ hands are tied by the new policy. “I was terrified and bullied by a fourth-grade student,” a teacher at a Los Angeles Unified School District school recently noted on the Los Angeles Times website. “The black student told me to ‘Back off, bitch.’ I told him to go to the office and he said, ‘No, bitch, and no one can make me.”
Defiance toward teachers is on the rise in Philadelphia public schools, as well, where talking circles have replaced suspensions. A former Philly middle-school teacher complains minority students act out and then dare teachers to kick them out of class, knowing full well their hands are now tied. “I’m going to torture you,” Allen Zollman says one student told him. “I’m doing this because I can’t be removed.” Knowing there won’t be consequences; bullies control the classroom and disrupt lessons for all kids who want to learn.
After a black high-school boy repeatedly punched his teacher in the face, sending her to the emergency room, the teacher, who is white, was advised by the assistant principal not to press charges. The administrator lectured her about how hard it is for young black men to overcome a criminal record. Worse, she was told she should examine what role she, “as a white woman” holding unconscious racial biases, played in the attack, according to the Willamette (Oregon) Week. A white sixth-grade teacher at a mostly black Washington, DC, school told the US Commission on Civil Rights she had similar “conversations” in which she was told that the bad behavior of black boys is mainly the teacher’s fault. “I have been encouraged to examine and question how my own racial dispositions affect my teaching and my students,” Andrea Smith testified.
Progressives have always believed in that touchy feely type of justice, I have news for them; it never has worked and never will. They think they are doing black children a favor by not punishing them for their actions, all they are doing is setting them up for a prison term. When they leave school, thinking that they can get away with anything, prison isn’t far away. Liberal-Progressive policies have never worked, if you want to know why American society is collapsing, just thank the Liberal-Progressives for that.
“What Kind Of Society Are We Leaving Our Kids” Available here.
This is one man’s opinion.
Seems I must have been caught napping because when my children were growing up, it was blamed on the parents or dysfunctional families, now it’s the teachers and the rest of society…..guess that’s because many of these kids don’t know ‘who’ their parents are or believe their ‘entitlements” extend beyond food stamps and welfare checks.
How terribly old fashioned of me to believe that ‘respect’ of others, the laws etc actually begins with… ‘self’…Curious how it’s worth teaching a child not to stick his finger in a light socket to save him from harm and at the same time let him play in the street & smoke marijuana. ????
Perhaps working in an emergency room on Saturday night would show them that all blood is the same color would help. …….G.O.K, I’m just a gray headed old white woman. What do I know?…….Let’s have a newspaper tell Obama the situation so he can sit down across the summit table , have a Stripes and negotiate or have Kerry do like he’s doing with Iran…Oppps forgot, that’s not working.
Chris could anyone really expect anything different from mindless thought cultivated in a cave where any expanded growth comes out of the expectations of objectivity surrounded in dung. I would say shit but I have to be professional here. Can we actually think that wisdom is derived through the quips and political aspirations of people who hang upside down from ceilings and challenge the world at night? Me neither!