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Facebook CEO Pushes Freedom of Expression While Censoring Content

facebook-nasdaq-board-1-200Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, has made statements in support of free expression while dealing with the hypocrisy of censoring content on his own social media site.

Zuckerberg’s status update on 9 January promising “a service where you can speak freely without fear of violence” sparked a debate about Facebook’s own censorship, from breastfeeding photos to a post by Pakistani actor Hamza Ali Abbass that questioned the value of “insulting” speech.


Mark’s comments at a public comments event in January centered on how freedom of expression should be protected regardless of whom it might offend. Facebook’s CEO believes that a person should be able to express themselves and perhaps make a living saying and doing things that others may find offensive – like Hedbo’s cartoons.

He was asked why he had spoken out about the Charlie Hebdo attack, but not about other violent events around the world, including in Iraq and Palestine.
“It wasn’t just a terrorist attack about just trying to do some damage and make people afraid and hurt people. This was specifically about people’s freedom of expression and ability to say what they want,” said Zuckerberg.

Then again, this is the social media company that cowered from China instead of fighting for the Chinese people’s right to free expression.

Zuckerberg also prohibits businesses involved with firearms from purchasing ads on his network while allowing those that promote sex chat sites to advertise regularly. Psst, Mark, firearms ownership is protected by the same constitution that protects the speech you so readily pretend to defend.

It would appear that Mark Zuckerberg’s idea of standing for free expression ends when someone puts the tamest of controversies in front of him.

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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