Boots On The Ground
Whenever I listen to the news about what is going on in the Middle East, all I seem to hear is, no boots on the ground, there will be no boots on the ground, we cannot put boots on the ground. You can call them whatever you want, but there are already over one-thousand so-called “military personnel” over in Iraq, that is, that we know of. To be honest with you, I don’t see what is wrong with sending in troops, if they are needed.
About a week or so ago, I was watching an interview with a couple of combat soldiers, when asked about going back, one of the men said, we go where we are sent and do what needs to be done, that’s our job. Our soldiers sign-up to defend this country, they know what they are signing up for. It seems to me, by telling the enemy what we are not going to do, just embolden them more. We are a people who are not looking for war, but there are people out there that are looking to start a war with us. I grew up in a neighborhood where you learned to hit first and hit hard and before you knew it, people wouldn’t mess with you, but they always picked on those that would not fight back, there is a lesson there.
It seems to me, that Obama has turned this country into the kid on the block who would not fight back, so naturally the bullies are pushing on us even harder. How many red lines does Obama have to draw before he realizes that our enemies do not care about his red lines, because they know he won’t do anything. It seems to me, we have a president who cares more about his image, than doing what needs to be done to protect America.
This past week, we had to listen to Obama say that he has no strategy to combat the evil that is facing not only our country, but the world, even though he was warned about ISIS over a year ago. It is time for Obama to realize that his beliefs of making nice, nice with the world and that will keep us safe, is nothing but a fairy tale. There is no negotiating or finding common ground with animals, these people live to destroy us and the only thing they understand is violence and death.
Yes, I am for boots on the ground, air strikes alone will not get the job done; our troops need to drive through the Middle East, like Sherman drove through the South during the Civil War. These people will always exist, but they can be contained, but we have to use brute force to get it done. Now, with another American beheaded, will Obama sit on his hands and lead from behind, or will he get mad as hell and take action.
We are in a war, Obama cannot turn a blind eye on what’s going on in the world forever, he needs to take action. Like calling the Fort Hood shooting work place violence, he refuses to admit we are in a war on terror, he much rather fight an imaginary war like Global Warming, that he throws all his energy behind.
While Obama cuts the military and sends pink slips to soldiers around the world, the terrorists grow in number and strength, I wish there was a way to send Obama a pink slip, because he is obviously not equipped for the job.
“Hey Alan Colmes I Read Your Book” A Republicans Rebuttal. Available here.
??No boots on the ground??? We must be the only nation in the world that would send 1300+ trained military into the danger of war BAREFOOTED !!! Of course this isn’t ‘really’ war and is more like the ‘police action’ we fought in Korea. And if confronted by a terrorist, I will invite him to a beer summit for refreshment before he beheads me……
When we get a weather alert of hear the rattle of a snake, we are given the chance to ‘avoid’ the danger. For whatever reason, we chose not to act…the danger remains…as do the consequences….While I may be forced to hurt or kill the ‘good’ guy next door, MY family comes FIRST….Whatever it takes….So be it…
Even the Pope says that violence against those wanting to destroy Christians is acceptable.
To be sure you’ve killed a snake, you need to chop off its head…even if it’s in Syria….Now, where did we put those bunker busters??
Sometimes it just TAKES EVERYTHING YOU’VE GOT and we have a lot.
Jan, I can always count on you for a first class comment. Thanks