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Pimping Out Harriet Tubman For Profitable Racism



How do black leftist get ahead? They profit from racism.

Racism has become the best method of success in a country where slavery was abolished in 1865 and the 1965 Civil Rights Act eradicated segregation against black Americans once and for all.

It’s too bad that idea sticks like hard peanut butter in the throats of leftist progressives, both white and black, who have always wanted blacks to remain in slavery and deny them their constitutional rights as free individuals.

Case in point: Hip hop Def Jam founder Russell Simmons, who produced one of the most offensive videos about one of America’s greatest women: Harriet Tubman, the woman accurately known as “Moses,” because she led her people out of bondage. And despite Russell Simmons latest race hustle, Tubman accomplished her heroism without prostituting herself!


Russell Simmons’ Harriet Tubman enticing “Massa” to have sex with her

That’s right; the video is “The Harriet Tubman Sex Tape.”  Think Hollywood actresses filming their sexcapades and then releasing the footage to the public.

In Simmons’ video, Harriet Tubman entices her “Massa” into bed to have sex with her. Unbeknownst to the master, someone is hiding in the closet filming the encounter for Harriet to use as blackmail.


Russell Simmons’ Harriet Getting it on with “Massa”

After Tubman has sex with the “Massa,” she lets him know she filmed the encounter and she “has leverage” to use against him by telling everyone “about his negro loving ways.”

According to Simmons, his portrayal of Harriet Tubman “outwitting the master, I thought it was politically correct.”

One must ask how Simmons would even consider such a portrayal of Miss Tubman as “politically correct” when female slaves were often raped and beaten.

The NAACP doesn’t find this PC humorous. Simmons was forced to pull the video and publicly apologize.

Simmons is shocked by the NAACP’s reaction. Russell Simmons always gets away with race-baiting. This time the hip hop billionaire went too far in the eyes of the NAACP.

It’s too bad the NAACP wasn’t that outraged over disc jockeys Opie and Anthony who let a guest talk about wanting to rape Condoleezza Rice.

But it shouldn’t come as a shock that Simmons doesn’t see anything wrong in demeaning an American woman who risked her life to free black Americans from slavery. Simmons, who produces hip hop music overflowing with filthy language that glorifies black-on-black gang violence, raping women, and killing cops, all of which Simmons defends, is also known for progressive, racial, controversial statements.  

In the real world of slavery, Miss Tubman toiled in bondage. She was not enticing the “Massa” to sleep with her for favors.

The real Harriet Tubmanserved with distinction as a soldier, spy, and a nurse, spending time at Fort Monroe, where Jefferson Davis was later imprisoned.”

Miss Tubmanled roughly 70 slaves to freedom using the Underground Railroad and later went on to become a humanitarian and women’s suffragist.”

Furthermore, Harriet Tubman helped paved the way for all American women of all color and race.

When apologizing, Simmons justified the video:

My first impression of the Harriet Tubman piece was that it was about what one of the actors said in the video, that 162 years later, there’s still tremendous injustice.


“162 years later,” America does not have slavery, and segregation is non-existent. In fact Mr. Simmons, America has a black president in the Oval Office, elected by a majority of white Americans!

Look around Mr. Simmons, America has had black Americans in political office for decades, as well as prominent black businesspeople and celebrities.

Let’s get something else straight: Those actors in that video have no idea what Miss Tubman, or any slave went through. American slaves were not hanging around fields making fun of their lives, they were toiling under a whip!

Early Black Americans were not living the life of Russell Simmons and Oprah Winfrey (who screams if store clerks don’t prostrate to the pampered billionaire). Slaves suffered more than any American today—including Simmons— can possibly comprehend.

Freed slaves walked from state-to-state to be reunited with their lost families, and they took whatever work they could to earn a living.  Unlike leftist progressives like Simmons, who wants to keep slavery alive in order to guilt white Americans into a life of  atonement, freed slaves wanted to leave slavery behind, in the past.

As esteemed economist and author Thomas Sowell says:

[I]f you have ever enslaved anybody, an apology is not going to cut it. And if you never enslaved anybody, then what are you apologizing for? The very idea of apologizing for what somebody else did is meaningless, however fashionable it has become.


That’s problem with professional race hustlers like Simmons: Slavery and racism is not only fashionable, but enormously profitable.

Simmons makes money off black-on-black crime by glorifying it in music and videos, as well as fashion. And it is black Americans who are used for profit by progressive blacks—Simmons, Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan, Oprah, Obama—in order to create racial tension and animosity toward whites.

This fabricated-for-money tension, as Thomas Sowell notes, is tearing America apart:

[I]f we start operating on the principle that people alive today are responsible for what their ancestors did in centuries past, we will be adopting a principle that can tear any society apart, especially a multi-ethnic society like the United States. Even if we were willing to go down that dangerous road


Progressive pimps like Simmons are taking black America down that road, back to the past where progressives want black American’s lives postponed, while wealthy leftists like Simmons stay ahead using black Americans for profit.

Of course Simmons, who produces violent videos, says he “does not condone violence against women in any form.”  That explains those lovingly abusive hip videos about raping women.

I’m sure Harriet Tubman were alive today she would be Simmons’ biggest fan!

Despite not “condoning violence against women,” Simmons must have thought the video was humorous or he never would have lampooned a woman, whose life before escaping slavery, was brutality, not enticing slave masters.

Heaven forbid Simmons use his money to produce authentic, historical movies about Harriet Tubman, who gave many hope, and continues to be an inspiration to women of all races and colors. Instead, Simmons spends his money to degrade Miss Tubman’s life prior to her successful efforts as an abolitionist.

Perhaps someone ought to lampoon Russell Simmons at a rodeo. Oh wait, making fun of progressive black Americans is racist, trashing Allen West and Condoleezza Rice as Uncle Toms and Aunt Jemima is putting black conservatives in their rightful place—the plantation. 

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Lisa Richards

Lisa Richards is a life-long Conservative Republican with a capital "C," fighting leftist progressivism like a hyped-up hormonal verbal paper-shredder on over-drive. A writer of politics and history, Richards believes in upholding an defending the Constitution and American Exceptionalism without apologies. Lisa Richards Holds a Bachelors of Science in Political Science from Sacred Heart University. She resides in her native state of Connecticut with her family and an assortment of rescued animals

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  1. Fascinating rhetorical strategy by the author. Because conservatives are terrible at addressing racism, it is necessary to poison the word ‘racism’ so that political opponents can no longer use it. Clever. An inoculation against racism that advances the agenda of a party composed of almost entirely White people, of whom many are racist. I’m assuming the end goal is to get more black people to support the party in which White supremacists feel most comfortable being a part of. The way to give black people more power is to give The party of White people more power. Interesting and silly at the same time.

    1. On the Contrary! Conservatives are very good at addressing Racism! It is closed minded, anti-white racists who have a problem wrapping their 2 dimensional, cannabis imbibed brains around what Critical Thinkers like Lisa Richards, Dr. Carson, Alphonzo Rachel, E.T. Williams and a plethora of other conservative are telling them. Note that your intellectual deficiencies are not their fault! This is the summation of correct information and critical thinking. If not, prove it!

      Indeed, I noticed you didn’t offer one shred of evidence to substantiate your analysis that this is just an inoculation! You believe that only because it ruptured your emotionally based bias toward any threat to your sanctuary of the Leftist Progressive dogma that you have been told to believe! Instead you patronize the author with insincere comments like “Clever” and “interesting but silly” – oh how eliquent we are! Are you kidding? Is that your best shot? Again, refute the evidence in the article with substance or take your knee-jerk EMO opinions and shut up!

      And by the way – your momma wears combat boots!

      There. Now you can “justly” call me a racist since that is all such a pitiful accusation will amount to!!

      1. That was a really strange and disjointed response. It sounds more like you’re spewing stereotypes about liberals than you are critically thinking. A critical thinker doesn’t make ridiculous assertions about massive groups of people based on political biases.

        I’m anticipating you responding by accusing me of doing the same, which would be strange, considering I’m specifically referring to rhetorical strategy. Your rhetorical strategy appears to revolve around making arguments based on assumptions about about me and anyone whom you think fits into your caricature of liberalism.

        ‘Critical thinking’ is not synonymous with ‘s/he agrees with me’. It actually entails analyzing the structure of arguments and questioning one’s own premises (not just other people’s). I suspect you’re too polarized to actually have a real conversation about the nature of critical thinking and prefer more to argue to support your political agenda.

        1. Oh, you are a wise one…

          No, I’m not going to respond as you’ve anticipated (blatantly pompous, aren’t we?). Wouldn’t that be convenient! First of all, I was not demonstrating critical thinking to you or anyone else. It doesn’t take critical thinking to recognize another lost brain like so many others! What I am going to do is what I did in the first place – demand, once again, that you substantiate your assertion that this article was written for the sake of inoculation; “…so that political opponents can no longer use it”. (Racism). ‘Cause I sure didn’t get that sense from it. Apparently my challenge snuck over your head like a drone!

          Nor do I give a flip about what you think of me. If you feel somehow persecuted by any of my blanket statements suck it up, big boy. I’m not one of your “nice” conservatives and I feel zero obligations to be one bit sensitive to stupidity!

          If fact, dear proggie, believe it or not my response was not for YOUR benefit at all. It was a counter attack on an attempt to discredit and minimizing the importance of a valid message before the court of the readers. It was in response to the recognition of that ol’ liberal trick of politely mocking what you apparently regard as a dangerous argument – dangerous to YOUR core beliefs!

          Plus its rather fun watching you liberal pinheads dance around an argument trying to sound smart and saying absolutely NOTHING! Entertain me!

          So one more time, Fernando; substantiate your claims about the article, about inoculation, about your perception of the intent – or SHUT UP!

          Clearly you are an authority.

          Make your case!

          I wanna hear it!

    2. It’s amazing how the Left has worked tirelessly to keep black Americans down. That 40 Acres and Mule is rubbish–the Dems will give black Americans 40 acres of underprivileged public housing if they promise to vote for political mules.

      Notice who fought against the 1965 Civil Rights Act–LBJ! Even Bobby Kennedy was not for it, nor was Teddy Kennedy. The Dems hated it, but it was in fact, and is on record, that the GOP demanded blacks be desegregated and have their Constitutional rights fully!

      It was the Republicans on the Supreme Court bench who demanded the Interstate Commerce clause be used as a weapon against white supremacist Dems who did not want the South desegregated.

      The SCOTUS said that without desegregation the southern economy would continue down the road to collapse. Ironically, it was white southerners who never wanted segregation because it is economically bad. It was white Democrat politicians who were all KKK who wanted segregation. White southern GOPers fought segregation but lost to the Dixiecrats until Martin Luther King Jr and Eisenhower, and the 50’s and 60s GOP got the majority vote and forced LBJ to sign that Republican anti-segregation law.

      LBJ took credit for what the GOP did and the Dems have run with that ever since. But LBJ got even with the GOP by creating his phony war on poverty, which was, as he said: “To make all poor Americans more comfortable in their poverty.” Comfortable in poverty, what does that say to you? It says keep you down on government welfare for life.

      And LBJ told blacks they had to be taken care of by government. Really LBJ? How about the fact that people are created in God’s image and have brains? Not to Democrats they don’t.

  2. Miss Tubman was one of the greatest women in history and we Americans can proudly say this Civil War hero was American!

    For Russell Simmons to do what he did may be considered free speech, but it is a full blown lie. Miss Tubman toiled in slavery, she was not prostituting herself to get ahead. She went on to save many lives, and she was a real life Civil War soldier fighting not only to end slavery, but preserve the Union, which upheld the Constitution, fight for women of all colors to vote and have equality in liberty, she is an icon to all Americans and to demean her in racial tones is disgusting.

    But Russell Simmons, an anti-Semitic, anti-White thug does not care so long as he can profit from creating racial tension among Americans.

    We Americans are one people, and human beings are just that-The human race created in God’s image, not man or government’s image as leftist like Russell Simmons and the other race hustlers want America and people to be.

    It’s time conservatives stand up for our fellow Americans being trashed for being black conservatives and speak out against the left wing race hustlers black and white who want this country to go to hell while they get rich off poor black Americans.

    1. Lisa. THAT is exactly what I gleaned from your piece. Exactly! I was not familiar with Miss Tubman. I felt the accolade over her heroism. I appreciate the struggle and the overcoming of those who have contributed to our heritage. I know you wrote this piece out of defense for someone you admire. It shows. Thank you for sharing this.

      I’m not familiar with Russell Simmons either but I’m not going to worry about that one bit.

      I appreciate the comradery of friends of various flavors. And we don’t all agree politically either. But we don’t see color – there isn’t any reason to!

      So I do not know how someone can come to the conclusion that this article was about neutralizing one of the Leftist big ACE cards. Racism. (That is a culture of unwarranted hate. I hate; I do. I hate the liberal proggies who have devised to destroy my life and my culture where they have NO just cause to do so!) Their primus is completely irrational and they need to explain it objectively, if they can, because I don’t get it!!

      On the other hand I’m not one bit surprised; your points and reasoning are very powerful and they SHOULD rattle the cages of all the Race Baiters and Anti-White Bigots!

      I guess their reaction is a measure of your success!

      Thank you again for a great piece and real substance to think about!

  3. For those unaware of who Russell Simmons is, he is a multi-billionaire founder of the Hip Hop industry. He defends violence against women in videos, he defends cop-killing videos, he has supported anti-Semites, is anti-Israel, he is a race-baiting radical leftist who uses music videos and his TV network to create racial tension among Americans.

    Now he took a truly great American hero, Harriet Tubman, a woman who was a decorated Civil War soldier, a Civil Rights founder and women’s activist, and he turned her into a prostitute in a video that even the NAACP, who normally sides with Simmons racism, is astounded over how he could lie about history and a woman as prominent to American history as Miss Tubman.

    Miss Tubman was one of the Women’s Suffrage founders, she fought for women to be equal in Constitutional liberties, she was a woman of traditional faith and values, she loved America and wanted to help this country, and she did as a soldier and as an abolitionist freeing slaves and never getting caught by the Confederacy. She was the most wanted American during the Civil War because of her efforts to free slaves and abolish slavery. In the end, she was a great help to Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass’ efforts to end slavery.

    She lived into the 20th century as a prominent women serving as a humanitarian. She is beloved for being a patriot. Simmons has made billions degrading women as whores to be raped and beaten by men who kill cops and call women “C’s.”

    Simmons when questioned about that, defends his violent music industry as black culture. I disagree. Black Americans are religious, many do not like rap’s culture of violence. It’s a stigma of crime. Simmons has also glorified black-on-black killing that men like him need to speak out against and influence against this violence taking young blacks down.

  4. It’s amazing how the Left has worked tirelessly to keep black Americans down. That 40 Acres and Mule is rubbish–the Dems will give black Americans 40 acres of underprivileged public housing if they promise to vote for political mules.

    Notice who fought against the 1965 Civil Rights Act–LBJ! Even Bobby Kennedy was not for it, nor was Teddy Kennedy. The Dems hated it, but it was in fact, and is on record, that the GOP demanded blacks be desegregated and have their Constitutional rights fully!

    It was the Republicans on the Supreme Court bench who demanded the Interstate Commerce clause be used as a weapon against white supremacist Dems who did not want the South desegregated.

    The SCOTUS said that without desegregation the southern economy would continue down the road to collapse. Ironically, it was white southerners who never wanted segregation because it is economically bad. It was white Democrat politicians who were all KKK who wanted segregation. White southern GOPers fought segregation but lost to the Dixiecrats until Martin Luther King Jr and Eisenhower, and the 50’s and 60s GOP got the majority vote and forced LBJ to sign that Republican anti-segregation law.

    LBJ took credit for what the GOP did and the Dems have run with that ever since. But LBJ got even with the GOP by creating his phony war on poverty, which was, as he said: “To make all poor Americans more comfortable in their poverty.” Comfortable in poverty, what does that say to you? It says keep you down on government welfare for life.

    And LBJ told blacks they had to be taken care of by government. Really LBJ? How about the fact that people are created in God’s image and have brains? Not to Democrats they don’t.

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