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Obama Is Proof That Any Tom Dick Or Harry Can Be President

Once again, Obama is on the campaign trail, traveling the country putting down the Republicans for wanting to defund Obama-Care. As I sat there trying not to puke, I said to myself, “How can anyone in this country still believe a word this guy says?” I just don’t get it, Obama has lied about practically everything that comes out of his mouth. There are people that say he is disingenuous or they say he is not telling the exact truth, let’s call a spade a spade, Obama is a liar, plain and simple.

Nancy Pelosi famously said that we had to pass Obama-Care so we could find out what was in it, well now that we are finding out what is in it, we are finding out everything that Obama told us about the bill was a lie. We can keep our doctors, we can keep our same health-care plan, premiums would go down, everyone would be covered, it would add nothing to the deficit, it will create millions of jobs, and the quality of health care will improve. Yes Nancy Pelosi, we are starting to find out what is in it, and it is all lies.

However, can we blame Obama for the lies? After all he did not read the bill either, he was only telling the American people what he was told to tell them, what he was reading off his teleprompter. Let’s face it, Obama is no leader, every time there is a big job to do he just passes it off to someone else. Look at   the $787 billion stimulus package it was largely written by members of the Appropriations committees, with concessions made to the three Republicans whose votes were needed in the Senate. Health care bills were being fleshed out by Chairman Max Baucus and ranking Republican Charles E. Grassley in the Senate Finance Committee, and by Democratic committee chairmen in the House. The administration has proposed cap-and-trade legislation to limit carbon dioxide emissions, but the sole working draft made public has come from House committee chairmen Henry A. Waxman and Edward J. Markey.

How can we forget every time Obama presented his own budget, it received ZERO votes, his own party said it was a joke. So, how can Obama be called an effective President, how can people in this country still support him? It beats the hell out of me.

This much I do know, if Obama can be President, any Tom, Dick, or Harry can be President, even my aunt Tilly form Jersey City could be president, as long as they have the right protection. The only thing that keeps Obama standing is the fact that he has people around him that are willing to protect him, let us not forget the press has been on his side from day one. One of the jobs of the press is to keep a watchful eye on Government, to warn the people when Government is corrupt and doing things that would hurt the people, alas, the media has failed the American people.

Let’s face it, after a President like Obama it is clear anyone can be President of the United States, you don’t have to have brains, just the ability to read a teleprompter. Let us not forget that you must also be willing to lie to the American people. Well let’s not call it a lie, because if you are told to say something that is not true, how can it be a lie if you didn’t know it was, plus it doesn’t hurt to have media people getting a thrill up their leg whenever you speak either.

“What Kind Of  Society Are We Leaving Our Kids” Available Here.


This is one man’s opinion.

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  1. Chris, I got so excited reading your post & started thinking that WOW ! I still have a chance to be President after all……Then I realized that I’m not Tom, Dick or Harry and I’m not even related to your Aunt Tilly…ah well…

    Seriously, you are sooo right and the real fear is that there’s another Obama waiting in the wings wearing a pant suit….UNLESS we dismiss the necessity of ‘trying’ to find the uber conservative that walks on water. Personal agendas must go away & the entire picture must come into play…that old saying “you can’t please all the people all the time, but you can please some of the people part of the time” plus leadership skill would seem to be worth consideration. What is too salty for some is just right for others and there can be a workable medium. Just as the Immigration & Healthcare issues must be addressed step by step…so must the restoration of our Great Nation.

    Du ya think even Madonna could get elected? (night mare on steroids)

    1. Hi Jan, I agree, the right needs to losen up a little. I always said the reason why Obama got re-elected was because to many on the right who complained about Obama stayed home because they did not like Romney, so we got stuck with his highness again.
      As far as Madona, nothing would surprise me, the way this country is going Miley Sirus might run.

  2. Chris I wish it were that simple for just anyone to be President and Commander in Chief. Our media, ABC, NBC, CBS etc. etc are goading this fool into a confrontation with Russia over Syria. Putin is not going to back down from Obama because he knows everything about Obama and the fact that he is a fraud. He schooled Obama behind closed doors and Obama was not happy about it. This is hard core KGB against a radical closet Muslim Socialist who is more of a Mickey Mouse Cub Scout than his own perceived GI Joe to the 8TH power. Obama showed his true colors with the comment to Medvedev over an open mic “my hands are tied until after the election.” Putin knows Obama is a squirrel and that he has deballed our military leadership. When Obama starts tossing fire power at Syria Putin will answer. That has me very concerned because our President is way way in over his head on Syria, The Muslim Brotherhood and Radical Islam. If he goes forward with this without Congressional approval he has to be impeached, not needs to be “Has to Be!” This neighbor hood organizer has managed to bring our world to the brink. He is nothing more than a radical Muslim, and whats even worse is that he is our President. Have we lost our mind along with our ass? No Chris not just anyone can be our President but right now I would take your aunt Tillie over this Buffoon.

    1. You know Jerry, if obama had half the balls that Putin has he would be half way decent.

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