Terrorist Family: Refugees or Sponges on Taxpayers?
Wow! It’s time to stand up and take action. Listen to an outraged Judge Jeanine Pirro respond to the mother of the Boston terrorist family.
Did this family come to the United States for asylum or did they “Come to suck the fat off our land?” as the judge says. Were they true refugees or were they exaggerating their circumstances because they seemed to freely travel back and forth to their homeland? Was their goal to be productive members of this country or to sponge as much as they could from our generous system?
Is the judge outraged? You bet. And you should be too.
As you watch the judge’s entire opening statement know that new evidence is out today that the Saudi government refused entrance to the known terrorist in 2011.
only the United States would allow threats to the nation to live under its protection, any other country would kick them out our not allow them in. but this is the dems and bummers way of getting his people in and helping in the war on jews and whties
As more information comes to light it seems the US, particularly Homeland Security, missed (or ignored) the signs of terrorist activity, just as they did in the Ft Hood shootings. Perhaps, in their efforts to be inoffensive, they focused too much on regular citizens rather than those who professed an agenda of hate.
Remember all of the ‘interpreters’ & their large families that were brought here ‘for THEIR safety’? Now does anyone have a clue ‘where’ they are now or if they had the background check our LAW requires.?
I’m just sayin’