The video link here is beyond chilling. The most chilling aspect of its beginning is the looks on the faces of the people. These are people who seem to be surprised and confused. These things don’t happen here! It often seems as though things happen overnight but it doesn’t happen that way.
Tyranny doesn’t happen over-night. It happens in a series of events that build on themselves until you wake up one morning and life as you know it is gone forever, liberty is a thing of the past. Adolph Hitler didn’t just start rounding up Jews on a whim. He spent years putting the infrastructure in place to install his totalitarian state. They had control of everything; the media, the child indoctrination centers they referred to as “public schools”, the monetary and economic structure, and national and local police departments. Hitler and his henchmen made Jews the scapegoats. Friends and neighbors soon began to hate Jews for who they were. German citizens bought into the blame game and generations of co-existence was gone in 6 years, all due to propaganda in the government controlled media and the government controlled schools.
The Aryan German people let Hitler have the Jews, and even helped him, because he was leaving them alone. Then one day he struck; swiftly, efficiently, thoroughly, and without warning!! The average German citizen woke up and found the Gestapo at their door because a disagreement over a debt, or a minor insult to a neighbor or stranger led to them being denounced as traitors over a grudge. The Gestapo kicked in their door and dragged them out into the street. Some were shot dead on the spot; some were taken to prisons and tortured by sadists seeking information that didn’t exist. Most were never seen again.
This happened to your everyday, patriotic German citizens. They had gone about their lives, ignoring or accepting the things that happened over the years as Hitler, Himmler, Goebbels, Goering, Heydrich, and the rest ignored the rights of citizens and passed decrees that were “unlawful”. Unlawful to whom??? Hitler didn’t see rounding up, “enemies of the state”, and shooting them as “unlawful”.
The people had seen what these men were doing but said, “it can’t happen here, we have a system of laws”. They didn’t think Hitler was a despot. He was a great leader, Der Fuhrer, who would never turn on his “Aryan” citizens. He “cares about us”!! Then one day the Jews were under control and he came back for them.
When Pastor Martin Neimoller made his famous “first they came for…” quote he could have been speaking about America’s society today. Many will ridicule this video, and the whole concept of Nazi Germany, because “it can’t or it won’t happen here, we have a Constitution”. But take a look at this picture and answer the question, “when did this; become this?”. Our society in the United States of America today mirrors the society of 1936 Germany.
Hitler offered money to those who turned in their neighbors. New York City is now offering a $500 bounty for snitching on anyone possessing an “illegal weapon”. Holding a grudge against someone? Want to cause them some misery? What is happening in America today HAS happened before and we are taking the exact same path they took then. Apathy and denial are the two most dangerous states of mind in any free society.
How can people ignore or dismiss the Patriot Act, NDAA 2011 and its “indefinite detention without charge”, the TSA, the Department of Homeland Security, or the explosion of local SWAT teams and the military equipment they are being given by the federal government? Policemen now kick in doors in the middle of the night dressed in black face masks and body armor head to toe. The uniforms are just that, uniform around the nation. The equipment and the tactics designed for an urban battlefield are being ”uniformly” spread to police departments and sheriff’s offices throughout the nation, and being funded with primarily federal funds. Helicopters participate in “live fire” operations using blanks, in American cities, in conjunction with local police forces. Why are they doing this??? Who are they going to round up and put in the FEMA camps that were a “figment of my imagination” in 2010?
How can anyone with any amount of cognitive ability not see where both political parties are taking us? How does someone dismiss 2 billion rounds of ammunition, tens of thousands of full automatic “assault rifles”, and MRAP armored vehicles with gun ports and machine gun mounts operated by local law enforcement? What SWAT team really needs this kind of firepower? Who are they going to use this equipment against?
Both political parties refuse to secure the border and do anything about all the illegal aliens. It is very apparent that they aren’t looking to round up illegal aliens so why do we find ourselves with an internal security apparatus having so much armament? No free nation has ever had this kind of domestic military force and remained free for long. This is the SS and Brown Shirts of Nazi Germany being paraded before our very eyes yet many people deny there is any danger. It reminds me of a joke where a woman catches her husband with another woman and he asks her “are you going to believe what I tell you or your LYING EYES”???
Conspiracy Theory?? At one time I thought so. By themselves many of the events over the last 10-15 years pose no “clear and present danger”, but when they are looked at with an open mind and in the view of 20th Century history it is another vision altogether. We the People are called mentally unstable and enemies of the state by the “leadership” of both political parties. Veterans who defended liberty are labeled as mentally ill by members of Congress. Some have been “detained” and had their lawfully owned firearms confiscated in a clear abuse of the Constitution.
Can’t happen here? Won’t Happen here??? Don’t bet your life on it!!!! Are you going to believe what they tell you or are you going to believe “your lying eyes”??? Time is short and one morning Americans will wake up and find out their nation is in the grips of a totalitarian regime as evil as Nazi Germany or Soviet Russia.
I submit this in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, in faith, with the responsibility given to me by Almighty God to honor His work and not let it die from neglect.
Bob Russell
Claremore, Oklahoma
March 28, 2013