Feinstein Anti-Gun Bill Defeated???? Not Really!!!!!!
I saw a story on Facebook that gave me pause. I wrote the following paragraph in the comment box and shared.
Before anyone jumps up and down over this “victory” look at what has happened. The fallback position has always been universal registration, the exact position the republikrat establishment agreed to when this all started. They come to a “bi-partisan agreement” and pat each other on the back while they bask in the glow of an approving media, and We the People have just lost our 2nd Amendment rights. Universal registration will lead directly to confiscation. And confiscation has been the goal of both parties from the beginning. We are being played again, by both party establishments. Universal registration is the last nail in the coffin of the peaceful restoration of liberty in the United States of America.
As I said in my comment, there will be a big hoopla about “coming together in bi-partisanship” but what they will be celebrating is the final nail in the coffin of liberty. Once they know where the guns are they will be “Johnny on the spot” to take them away “for our own protection”. Lindsey Graham is yapping about “mental health” issues. Okay Mr. Bigshot, who decides who is “mentally stable enough” to own a firearm? Didn’t I just hear Sen. Diane Feinstein say ALL veterans were mentally unfit to own a firearm? Aren’t these the same veterans who have been fighting a real shooting war for the liberty of people, and a nation, they don’t even care about while their families are being treated like “potential” terrorists and criminals by their own government? And when they come home with chests full of medals, or not; or come home with only part of their bodies intact, they come home to a government that considers them “potential” terrorists and criminals? The word “potential” seems to be tossed out by liberals for P C purposes only.
When California’s lame excuse for confiscating guns becomes a nationwide effort, directed and/or supported by the federal government, the opportunity for a peaceful solution is gone. Some state governments are ignoring citizens on this and a variety of other issues. People in both parties at the state level are bowing to the national party apparatus in passing legislation and regulations. Some local law enforcement departments are taking military vehicles and weapons being “given” to them by the federal government, to be used against citizens not criminals. Others are pledging to stand for the Constitution and fight the federal government if they try to disarm citizens. All levels of government are being driven by the Republican National Committee and the Democrat National Committee, and their behind the scenes handlers.
Make no mistake, when they have firearm registration where they want it they will be using those 2700 armored, mine-proof, small arms proof, “Urban Rescue Vehicle” mini-tanks that have gun ports all around . There are UN troops and equipment scattered all over the country “being trained” by our military. The drug cartels and Islamic armies are sitting in Mexico waiting for confiscation to come about so they will have an unchallenged rampage over We the People.
Americans, do you ever ask yourself why we have hundreds of thousands of military people scattered all around the world and how many billions of dollars we spend supporting them while our southern border is declared unsafe for American citizens to visit? Why is it that nothing gets done about the illegal alien invasion, by either political party? Why is it the Department of Homeland Security is arming to the teeth; to wage war against its citizens maybe? Why is Fast & Furious not pursued to a conclusion by Republicans?
We are on the precipice of losing what liberty we have left. When Congress succeeds in reaching a “bi-partisan agreement on ‘common sense’ gun control” they will have succeeded in gutting the 2nd Amendment and it doesn’t take much imagination to know how it will go when it hits the Supreme Court. The court is packed with liberals, although some were disguised as conservatives at the time of their appointment.
The pretense is now gone!!! Politicians are brazenly going against the Constitution, and imposing a dictatorship on the citizens of the United States. They will still mince words and posture for their adoring media when they come to an agreement but the media isn’t really on the side of We the People are they?
The passage of universal registration will begin the final descent into the fight between good and evil, a fight between liberty and tyranny that is beyond solving with words. And you can be assured that Republicans will compromise on “common sense gun control measures”. Some people will give up their firearms but most won’t. The political parties have come out united in their desire to impose their will on the American people and We the People will resist the dictatorship with every asset at our disposal. What will ensue at this point is a blood bath as We the People do our best to defend our liberties against a tyrannical government made up of the political class in both parties. The politicians know this, hence the massive efforts to disarm the populace. How else can it end if they impose universal registration? Few in either political party will truly stand up for the Constitution and We the People.
This isn’t rocket science, it is history. Look at the history of 20th Century dictatorships:
Ottoman Turks: 1.5 – 2 million Armenians disarmed and murdered
Lenin/Stalin: 26 million Russian citizens disarmed and murdered
Adolph Hitler: 21 million German and occupied nation citizens disarmed and murdered
Mao Tse Tung: 35 million Chinese citizens murdered
And it goes on from here, Cambodia, Cuba, Vietnam, Rwanda, and others; with an estimated 262 million people killed by their own governments in the 20th Century. They have the armored cars, sophisticated military equipment, and armed drones fill the skies of America. They have the people in the form of UN soldiers, muslim terrorists, and drug cartel members ready to carry out the genocide once they have successfully disarmed We the People.
Don’t think for a moment it can’t or won’t happen here. They are well into the process. Our government is declaring war on the “enemies of the state”, patriots who desire only to live in peace with the liberty given to us by Almighty God and guaranteed in the Constitution, and specifically in the Bill of Rights.
I submit this in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, in faith, with the responsibility given to me by Almighty God to honor His work and not let it die from neglect.
Bob Russell
Claremore, Oklahoma
March 20, 2013