Ben Carson at CPAC: We Must Hold Their Feet to the Fire
Just a short three weeks ago few Americans had heard the name Ben Carson. Those who did generally knew of him in the role of skilled pediatric neurosurgeon and head of Johns Hopkins Pediatric Neurosurgery Department.
But following Dr. Carson’s stirring speech at the National Prayer Breakfast in February, millions of Americans now recognize him. A brilliant man who speaks without a teleprompter and few notes, Dr Carson is seen as a refreshing voice of common sense to many across the country. This weekend Dr. Carson was a featured speaker at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). While there may have been disputes about other invitees to the conference (i.e. Trump over Christie) there is no doubt that Carson was a huge draw as he spoke to the packed crowd.
Today many ask if a man could rise out of relative obscurity to lead the country? The organization and fundraising history has been key to the ability of a candidate to raise the money needed to run an effective campaign. Would Dr. Carson be interested in such a challenge? Could he become so organized, as to win? There are many unknowns. Still, to many Americans, from coast to coast, Benjamin Carson speaks with a clear voice and proposes sensible solutions to many of our country’s problems including both our education crisis and national debt.
Watch the video of Dr. Carson and share it with your friends. If you want to watch the short Q & A following you can see it at the C-SPAN link: Benjamin Carson (he begins at 21 minutes and the Q & A at 45 minutes).