Drug Resistant TB Found in Illegal Border Crosser
Not only are many who enter the US illegally partaking in additional illegal activities (drug running, human smuggling, etc.) but a good number are also bringing something with them. They are bringing their diseases and most worrisome, their communicable diseases.
In late November, 2012 a young Asian was caught trying to sneak across the border into Texas. He was discovered to have a very rare case of Tuberculosis, in its least treatable form.
Though Tuberculosis is on the decline in the United States there is a worrisome increase in the rates of foreign born patients. TB rates were 12 times higher among people born outside the United States. In 2011, 81 of the 98 patients diagnosed with Multi-Drug Resistant TB were foreign born. Of these infected individuals, more than half of the cases originated in just five countries: Mexico, the Philippines, Vietnam, India, and China, the CDC said. Tuberculosis, in its treatable form is a frightening communicable disease; in these drug resistant forms it can cause death.
How secure is our border? Last week we shared a video showing the open border across many parts of Arizona. Still, the Department of Homeland Security tells us the Southern border is secure and all the signs point to fewer trying to enter the country illegally. However, in a study done for the DHS, the RAND Corporation found both increased and decreased detained/arrest numbers were touted by the DHS as improved security. In their report RAND stated, “Clearly, a measure that reflects successful performance whether it rises or falls has limited value as a management tool.”
Ironically, this week one man who had been deported five times was picked up in Pinal County, Arizona. During a routine traffic stop a driver and his passenger were discovered to be in the United States illegally. The passenger was a man with several warrants who had been deported FIVE times, the last time just in December. Both men were taken into custody after resisting arrest with Pinal County officers.
Apparently, our borders aren’t so secure? Perhaps DHS and maybe Janet Napolitano should follow these two fellows who appear to know where the hole in the wall is.
The health of our citizens is yet another reason we need a closed border, where immigrants can be screened for these deadly communicable diseases.