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Such an unfair advantage! The only thing in the little guy’s sheath is fact while they have all their sycophantic bluster.
You bet!!! Thanks for commenting on my toon
A.F. Branco, love your cartoons! Need some help on the Standing In The Way… currently in a debate with my conservative friend over its meaning. He says it shows Obama is bullying the mass media, I think it shows the liberal outlets protecting Obama from the pot shots of FOX NEWS.
So good and so true! Nice to see a new Branco cartoon.
Thank you Alan.. Always good to be here.
Seems that ‘Foxy’s” muscle mass is increasing & ‘media man’ is gorging himself on Obama mush so much that soon he will go kaboom! & fall on his own sword….many thanks Tony
Very very Welcome Jan
Tony – Your Standing in the Way cartoon was just shown and lauded on the Fox News program The Five by former Bush press secretary Dana Perino. Great exposure! Congratulations!
Such an unfair advantage! The only thing in the little guy’s sheath is fact while they have all their sycophantic bluster.
You bet!!! Thanks for commenting on my toon
A.F. Branco, love your cartoons! Need some help on the Standing In The Way… currently in a debate with my conservative friend over its meaning. He says it shows Obama is bullying the mass media, I think it shows the liberal outlets protecting Obama from the pot shots of FOX NEWS.
So good and so true! Nice to see a new Branco cartoon.
Thank you Alan.. Always good to be here.
Seems that ‘Foxy’s” muscle mass is increasing & ‘media man’ is gorging himself on Obama mush so much that soon he will go kaboom! & fall on his own sword….many thanks Tony
Very very Welcome Jan
Tony – Your Standing in the Way cartoon was just shown and lauded on the Fox News program The Five by former Bush press secretary Dana Perino. Great exposure! Congratulations!
Yes, I saw that… Thanks for the heads up.