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Auto maker fires chaplain to appease non-Christians

After spending the past decade guiding and counseling employees of luxury car manufacturer Bentley, a Christian chaplain was unceremoniously fired in an apparent attempt to avoid offending those of other faiths.

To add insult to the dismissal, Bentley let the reverend go just days before Christmas.

“It is just beyond belief,” the chaplain said, explaining his role was not limited to helping Christians.

His job at Bentley was not proselytizing, he explained, noting he provides “counseling to workers who have stresses at home such as broken marriages” and strives to help individuals of all faiths.

“Everyone thinks it is quite ridiculous,” he continued. “There have been no complaints against me and my position is to help people and not just those who are Christians.”

Without forewarning, he said his superiors instructed him to vacate the premises to make room for what the company calls “a multi-faith outlook.”

The chaplain’s former employer might be worried about offending a vocal minority, but Bentley has now upset a great number of employees instead.

A group of workers signed a petition to reinstate the chaplain and, as one of his supporters said, “Everyone is really angry about it.”

According to a retired employee who witnessed the chaplain’s work, he was dedicated to his job and “was there for a lot of people.” He recalled one particular incident involving a suicidal coworker, explaining the reverend “turned him around.”

There is obviously no mandate forcing companies to employ Christian chaplains and it is the prerogative of Bentley executives to fire whomever they so choose. This does present a case study in shortsighted decisions many leaders make to appease rabble rousers.

A man trying to better himself by helping those around him was fired on the spot because some with different religious beliefs objected to his presence. As one thinks of the countless agencies — many of which consist of fire, rescue, and other high-risk professions — that offer the services of a chaplain, it becomes clear such positions are vulnerable everywhere they exist.

B. Christopher Agee founded The Informed Conservative in 2011. Like his Facebook page for engaging, relevant conservative content daily.

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B. Christopher Agee

B. Christopher Agee is an award-winning journalist and conservative columnist. He established The Informed Conservative and late 2011 and currently reaches an audience of millions each month through publication on several major websites. He lives in the Fort Worth, Texas, area with his wife.

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  1. When Christians are the center of persecution in the USA you know that Obama is giving the country to the Muslims, just like Egypt and other countries that have been taken over by the crazy Muslim people. All the atheists who do not believe in any God, and other religions that complain and allow this persecution to continue, should not be surprised when the Muslims are allowed to behead them if they do not bow down to Allah. At least with Christianity you are not forced to be a Christian, but with the Muslims you will be forced to follow the Islam religion. How brainless people have become, or should I say the democratic party and the liberals have become. Obama has you right where he wants you. This country has reversed itself. It has taken us back to the days of hate and destruction of a certain people. This administration really believes it can take God and Christianity out of the picture, well let’s just wait to see what God has to say about it. You will all suffer the wrath of His anger. For me and my family, we will never deny our God Jesus Christ.

  2. If you are Christian and complain about Muslims they your racist or a bigot but complain about christians and your rights as a christian vanish

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