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Skipped Your Flu Shot? TriHealth Says You’re Fired.

TriHealth sent termination notices to 150 employees for not getting a flu shot. The shots were listed as mandatory to the 10,800 workers of the hospital and doctors group in Cincinnati and offered free to all. Employees had one month to get the shots before receiving the termination letters. They can get the vaccination and appeal to be reinstated. Read the full report here: WLWT.Com

These actions do bring up several questions: Do employers have the right to require the flu immunization? Is this move by an insurance provider a symbol of the upcoming Obamacare program? Will there be more requirements by employers like the pneumonia vaccine? There are people who refuse vaccinations on religious grounds. Will they be terminated too?

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Teresa Wendt

A stay at home mom who runs a household, manages the finances, cares for a young adult autistic son, and cooks from scratch. Traveling from Arizona to Alaska summer of 2013. Visit my blog at and follow along.

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  1. Great questions, Teresa. I can’t believe they’re allowed to do this. So many people are wary of vaccines to begin with. I understand the idea behind it…less sick time, lower costs, etc. but it doesn’t override your rights! Crazy and scary. It won’t be long before schools won’t accept the waivers for vaccines. It’s already happening in several states.

    1. This is but another example of tyranny and extortion put upon we the people.Untill the day when more are willing to fight for their freedom instead of getting “free”stuff,it shall continue.

  2. Certainly an employer should be ‘entitled’ to operate his business in a way that is to his benefit first…however.. our federal government REQUIRES that he hire according to ‘their’ standards, not his. With Obamacare looming, he may be trying to qualify for the lowest insurance rates to continue providing health coverage. a few years back I was met with the same threat…I refused to get a flu shot for reason I explained to my employer…he wouldn’t budge… I let him know I expected a written termination notice that was very specific as to reason for discharge that I would take to the labor board when I applied for unemployment..along with the fact it was not a condidion of employment when hired…..end of story…I weighed the pros & cons of the decision & decided I was looking when I got that job & could look again. So while it may be his right, it is your right to decide what is best for you. In the case when employees are in direct contact such as health care, I believe it is a reasonable expectation.

  3. Having spent 30 years in the Navy Nurse Corps, I can tell you that the policy in many, if not all healthcare institutions is that all staff must receive the flu vaccine each year. Think about it… The rationale is that in the case of a flu pandemic, you want your healthcare staff to be healthy. If the staff is ill, who will care for the seriously ill?

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