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Contraceptives are a right after all

Liberals all over the country must be breathing a sigh of relief, because they have been vindicated. Apparently the Sandra Flukes of the world don’t just reside in the US. Well, they sort of do, at least in NYC, because they have taken up residence in the UN.

°Florian (CC)

Yes, that monument to everything that liberals hold dear has come out of the contraceptive closet, and stated that birth control is a right for women worldwide. Their contention is based on the theory that women should be able to control when they have children – in poor nations. Of course, given our current economic problems, one can wonder whether or not the international body thinks the US is included in that number.

Now, before we let the liberals in this country get ready to organize birth control orgies, remember two things. First, this statement is from the UN, and has no effect on national laws whatsoever. Second, it says nothing about giving birth control away free of charge, per se. The UN merely states that there should not be financial barriers for women to obtain birth control. As mentioned before, this is primarily in the context of poor nations, where the $15 or so to buy birth control could feasibly feed a family for months. Contrary to what liberals might want to believe, there is no conservative agenda to stop access to birth control. We simply don’t want to pay for it for every woman in the nation.

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Liz Harrison (twitter: @GoldwaterGal)

Liz is a mostly-retired veteran political campaign worker, wife, mom, opinionated gal, fiscal conservative, anti-social-conservative, atheist, and foreign affairs/Mid-East politics junkie.

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  1. How about we charge people who buy feminine products (tampons, maxipads, etc.) a tax and use the taxes to provide birth control pills to other women. Then everyone can get their ObamaPills (TM) for “free”, and only menstruating women are the ones paying taxes for them. Seems fair to me…

    1. Except menstruating women like me, who has always paid for my own birth control, do not want to pay for everyone else’s bc. How about they pay for their own… Or don’t engage in activities that result in pregnancy. Now THAT’s a choice everyone seems to forget…

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