Obama Won’t Dump Biden for Hillary
Good ‘ole Uncle Joe has been absolutely gaffe-tastic the last few weeks, but that won’t lead to Obama switching VP’s for the 2012 run.
After telling Virginian’s that they can help win North Carolina, telling supporters that Romney and Ryan will “put y’all in chains”, asking a wheelchair-bound Senator to”stand up” and more, you’d think that the President would be tripping over himself to make a change. Afterall, Obama-Biden is a beatable ticket, Obama-Clinton could be a more difficult challenge. A Clinton-Ryan debate would also likely have fewer highlights of Ryan easily besting his opponent.
Sarah Palin even vocalized her opinion on the matter saying, “Really the strategists there in the Obama campaign have got to look at a diplomatic way of replacing Joe Biden on the ticket with Hillary.” But will they?
No way. If Obama replaces Biden, he’s admitting that his campaign is in trouble and can only be saved by Hillary Clinton – and there’s no love lost between Obama and the Clintons. The narcissist-in-Chief would also be admitting that he made a mistake in choosing Joe Biden in the first place.
Secondly, Palin’s play makes it her idea to make the swap. If Obama switches horses, he’s taken the Conservative diva’s advice over his own judgement. What are the odds of that?
The most-significant reason Obama won’t consider a change is that he believes the election is all about him. He doesn’t believe Biden helps or hurts his chances at re-election because only his persona and agenda matter to the voters. While that is absolutely true of his base, those not-so-committed will continue to sour on the grey-haired gaffer as they become more-impressed with the young and intelligent Rep. Paul Ryan.
The President only has another 22 days to make the swap if he’s going to. The Democrat Presidential ticket has to be decided no later than the DNC convention in September. It is far more-likely that they’ll hide Uncle Joe from the media for awhile and let the noise around his colorful mistakes slowly fade into the woodwork. After all, “You didn’t build that” is going to do far more damage than anything Biden could say.