Editorial Cartoons

Homeland Security Watchdog


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A.F. Branco

Political cartoonist extraordinaire! Readers will now be able to enjoy his razor-sharp political humor on a regular basis.

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  1. Great one, Antonio! There is no bite left in American security …. very little barking going on either.

  2. It does seem, if memory serves, that that pooch bears a strong resemblence to the wicked witch of the southwest, Napolitano. Yep.

  3. Come november we the people get our chance to piss back. And I have to admit I’m doing stretching exercises so I can lift my leg real high.

    Now we just need for Romney to start acting like Superman instead of Clark Kent. Hey Tony there’s a cartoon in that one somewhere…LOL

    Great work my friend.

    Ciao Bronx

  4. Good one, Tony. Jan Brewer has certainly suffered plenty of that from the Obama administration.
    I am thrilled with Romney’s selection of Paul Ryan as his running mate.

  5. Can someone please explain this political cartoon to me? I have to choose a political cartoon in my government class to present and I don’t know what this one means.


    1. I believe what you are seeing is the government saying “Piss on you Arizona!” Not very nice of them at all. Course the POTUS won’t do anything about it. Empty suits can’t and won’t do anything.

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