In Deep with Michelle Ray – 7/12
When: Thursday, July 12th, 10pm Eastern/7pm Pacific
Where: In Deep with Michelle Ray on Blog Talk Radio
What: Join Social Media Director of, Michelle Ray (@GaltsGirl) as she discusses the issues that impact America.
Tonight: 33 votes to repeal Obamacare, the NAACP Shootout between Biden and Romney, and guest Brandon Combs (@combs_brandon on Twitter) of CAL-FFL(, Calguns Foundation ( and CRPA ( joins me to discuss campus concealed carry.
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With all the back and forth about when and where on Bain Capitol and Romney Tax returns etc…. Democrats seem very quick to ask ethical questions such as “I know it’s legal but is it ethical” My question is to those dems “What about your own record as it pertains to insider trading as a Senator or congressman? You know, those trades that you make during hearings and then vote in your own favor, then trade again to double dip? When will you show your own balance sheets? I know Nancy Pelosi made millions and others have as well. The normal citizen would be in prison for doing this but Congress gets a pass (that they voted on for themselves of course making it legal for themselves. Also why isnt the fact that congress has exempted themselves from Obamacare more in the news? Why cant they get the healthcare everyone else gets? are the above the common man and deserving more??