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Format and Schedule of 2012 Presidential Debates

After the grueling GOP nominee debates last year, political junkies are just dying for another round of “this or that”, “tweet your question”, “raise your hand if you agree” and other network gimmickry intended to entertain everyone involved. Not this time.

Wednesday, the Commission on Presidential Debates announced the number, dates, and format of the debates to be held between Mitt Romney and President Obama as well as a single event between Joe Biden and a VP candidate to be named later.

All of the debates will be broadcast live on ABC, CBS, C-SPAN, FOX and NBC, as well as all cable news channels including CNBC, CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC. will be hosting a live stream of the event on it’s political page.

There will be three 90-minutes debates between the Presidential candidates with a similar session for the veeps.

Presidential Debate Schedule:

  • October 3rd, 2012 at the University of Denver 9pm Eastern
    • Subject: Domestic policy
    • Length: 90 minutes
    • Format: Candidates standing at pulpits/lecterns. Topics divided into into six, 15-minute segments. Moderator will question the candidates.
  • October 16th, 2012 – Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY. Town Hall format
  • October 22nd, 2012 – Lynn University, Boca Raton, FL. Subject: Foreign policy
    • Subject: Foreign policy
    • Length: 90 minutes
    • Format: Candidates sitting at table. Topics divided into into six, 15-minute segments. Moderator will question the candidates.

Vice Presidential Debate

  • October 11th, 2012 at Centre College in Danville, KY
    • Length: unknown
    • Format: unknown

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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One Comment

  1. Same-o, same-o. When I see the word “Moderator,” I know what to expect. These “Debates” are only opportunities for the leftist “Moderators” to build up the democrat and subtly denigrate the republican. The “Analysis” after the debate is a foregone conclusion – the democrat “Won,” etc.

    I can assure you, knowing that the present occupant of the White House cannot order coffee and a doughnut without a teleprompter, he will quietly, prior to the debate, be given access to the questions so he can be prepared.

    As for the “Town hall” format……who decides which questions will be used. We know the answer.

    How about a REAL debate? NO “Moderator.” Just the two candidates discussing the issues for two hours?

    Also, SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL Chick-fil-A.

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