Out-of-touch and out of answers
The media is missing the obvious – Obama isn’t just out-of-touch, he, and his administration are out of answers! Obama is offering 4 more years of the same things he’s been doing and on foreign policy.. his own VP (the guy he brought along for foreign policy experience) is obviously confused by what is or isn’t happening in the middle east.
While “the private sector is doing fine” echoed through the media, most took his walk-back as the honest rebuke of an accidental comment. The press also managed to almost totally ignore the craptastic reasoning of Obama’s walk-back. The President focused on the government sector: government employees, those paid by taxpayers, instead of just admitting that his policies have failed.
The president is using old-school “chicken in every pot and a car in every garage” and class warfare campaigning to appease the masses while at the same time cozying up to the wealthiest in the nation. It’s actually almost cartoonish. His recent focus on gaining the support of multi-millionaire Hollywood starlets and executives is more of the same. Even ABC is starting to question the President’s ability to relate to the average American:
Fixing the economy will be put off for a few hours this evening: President Obama will be busy shaking down some celebriguests attending a fundraising dinner hosted by Sarah Jessica Parker and Anna Wintour at Parker’s New York City home.
Tickets cost $40,000, about as much as the average person makes in a year. For donating all that money, what kind of party favors do these guests get? We can’t afford to attend ourselves to find out firsthand, and even if we could, journalistic principles would bar us from going in the first place.
Obama’s Vice President Joe Biden said on Thursday that “The democratic movement that swept across the Middle East, the so called Arab Spring, began when a lowly fruit vendor set himself ablaze to protest a corrupt government, igniting a confrontation magnified by social media that literally set off a revolution that was waiting to happen for well over 200 years”. Considering that the Egyptian military had, on that same day. decided to dissolve parliament, Biden is either misinformed (out-of-touch) or misguided (also.. out-of-touch).
Who in America feels that either of these political elitists actually understands where the middle class, true-blue American comes from? Biden is busy backing a military coup while Obama is courting the ultra-Rich of Hollywood while decrying the ability of any of us to reach their level of wealth – by they, I mean Obama and Biden .. ok, probably the Hollywood lamesters too.
Watching the excuse factory deal with the Russia-supplied, civilian killing assault helicopters made the Obama legacy look even less worthy. Either the Obama administration has an intelligence arm that cannot determine new helicopters from re-furbished ones or .. they are covering up for Obama’s inept foreign policy.
Obama has no forward looking plans and is threatening America with four more years of failing progressive policies. He’s blaming Bush (again), setting this class against that, this type of American against another, supporting business-killing policy and may be the worst foreign policy president ever. All that tells an intelligent person is that the President.. is out of answers – but, at least he has the ultra-rich Hollywood crowd to back him in 2012.