Eric Holder Spanked by Congress
The US House of Representatives passed H.R. 5326, a bill providing funds for the Justice Department and other agencies in 2013 in a 247-163 vote on Thursday.
Several amendments attached to the bill provide a major spanking for Attorney General Eric Holder. In addition to reducing his budget by one million dollars, Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) offered an amendment which passed 381 – 41 (142 democrats in favor) to prevent the Justice Department from using taxpayer funds to lie to congress.
The bill also includes language which prevents the Justice Department from using funds to defend Obamacare, bring suit against states for their immigration laws and from taking action against states that pass voter ID laws.
The bill actually cuts three percent from 2012 spending levels.
President Obama has threatened to veto the bill.
Why is he not in jail?
I have not been able to figure why Holder and Liar in Chief is not in jail beside him. They both have broke so many laws and rules. It is a disgrace to the USofA. They both came out of the same mold!