The Black Panthers: Sissy Boys Acting Like Tough Guys
It seems that whenever “Rev.” Al Sharpton and “Rev.” Jesse Jackson crawl out from under their rocks they bring this bunch of fools called the “New Black Panther Party” with them. What a bunch of clowns. Where did these chocolate crackers come up with the idea they are the “tough guys on the block”? They prance around with their billy clubs and scowls on their faces talking trash like they are something to fear. The only people they scare are the senior citizens, mostly those above 80, who cannot even begin to defend themselves against a bunch of billy club carrying morons wearing sissy black berets.
Now they have come out with a “Wanted Dead or Alive” poster on George Zimmerman, complete with a huge reward for anyone who will deliver Zimmerman. Well HURRAH!!!! for them. What are they going to do if someone cashes in on this “reward” they are offering? Do they plan to take Zimmerman out and beat him to death? Hang him? Shoot him? Imprison him? What a bunch of boastful B S!!!
If you “tough guys” are such bad asses why don’t you go get him yourselves instead of offering a “bounty” for someone else to do your dirty work? Actually that is a rhetorical question because I know the answer, cowardice. I guess that wouldn’t work out because they would have to step out from behind their mommy’s skirt and do more than talk tough from a safe distance. This is more of the same crap we have heard from this type for years. Like Jackson and Sharpton they come out from hiding to pose for the cameras like they matter, but only when they smell a profit. They don’t really want to do anything other than be seen in public and rake in as much money as possible.
They won’t actually do anything because they don’t care about Trayvon Martin just like they didn’t care about Tawana Brawley, the Duke lacrosse hooker, or any other “black victim of racist attacks”. Of course, most of these “racist attacks” turn out to be a lie anyway but they get their face time on television and then crawl back under their rock until the next opportunity comes around.
Hey Malik Grand Poobah Mohammed (or whatever your stupid name is) I have an idea for you. If you and your sissy boys are so concerned about blacks being murdered, go to Chicago and stop the gang violence there. So far this year, in less than 100 days, 100 blacks have been killed by other blacks in gang related violence. Take your racist attitudes, your sissy black berets, and your sissy billy clubs to Chicago, or Detroit. Do some real good for black people being ravaged by violence instead of posing like statues and talking tough for the television cameras.
These insipid morons don’t really impress anyone, especially white people who know where racism actually lives. Punks like the panthers, Sharpton, Jackson, Spike Lee, and Farrakhan are a dime a dozen. They mean nothing in the long run of American history. They come and go without ever doing any more than lining their pockets at the expense of the victims of real crimes. This showboating over the Florida incident is just that, showboating for publicity.
The real concern for the black community comes from Dr. James Manning, Bill Cosby, Walter Williams, Thomas Sowell, Lloyd Marcus, Alveda King, Herman Cain, and others like them. These people recognize the true problems and seek to solve those problems in a manner that will actually make life better for those living in poverty and in the ghettos. They truly care about the black community. These black leaders, true leaders, try to educate blacks about the true history of America and the legacy of black people in this nation. They explain how to prosper and urge others to make something of themselves, acknowledging the truth of how to succeed in life.
I find it sad that when it comes down to knowledge of the history and heritage of blacks in America this “cracker” knows more than 90% of the black population. How many black people know that the Civil War was fought by white men who were willing to die, and many did, to put a stop to the slavery and exploitation of black men, women, and children? How many black people know that it was southern Democrats who formed the Ku Klux Klan? ( ) How many know that it was a Democrat, Governor George Wallace, who stood on the steps of the University of Alabama and stated that “no ‘nigger’ would ever step foot in a white institution of higher learning”? ( )
How many black people know that the Jim Crow laws were drafted and passed by Democrats who had control of Congress and that Republicans tried but could do nothing to stop it? How many black people know that the Voting Rights Act and the Civil Rights Act were forced through Congress by Republicans and fought vigorously by Democrats such as Al Gore Sr. and Robert Byrd? Lyndon Johnson had fought tooth and nail to prevent similar legislation from being passed while in Congress but signed these as President when he realized he had no other choice, then and only then did he sign the legislation. How many “crackers” have marched, protested, and fought for the civil rights of black people?
It is way past time for black people in America, at least those still blind to the truth, to wake up and realize that I am not their enemy. Jesse Jackson is their enemy, Al Sharpton is their enemy, Louis Farrakhan is their enemy, The New Black Panthers (and the old ones too) are their enemy. All of the racist hate mongers who keep racial strife stirred up are the enemy“>.
We are all being enslaved by those who use race and the Zimmerman/Martin incident to divide us into warring camps. They don’t care about black people, they don’t care about “crackers”; they only care about stirring up strife to benefit themselves financially and politically. Until we all can see what is happening and unite against this tyranny we will continue down the road to despotism, slavery, poverty, imprisonment, and death. As I stated in a previous article, this was a tragic situation that could have been avoided if either one of these young men would have acted differently. It is tragic but I don’t believe it to be criminal on the part of Zimmerman from what I know right now.
Criminal act or not isn’t the most serious issue facing us in this matter. Either way the end result is that We the People, of all ethnic backgrounds, must come together to fight off this attempt by hate mongers to destroy our nation and our ability to live in peace. The race hustlers are after sectarian strife such as we find in the Muslim world. Shiite Muslims kill Sunni Muslims because they aren’t Shiite’s. Sunni Muslims kill Shiite Muslims because they aren’t Sunni’s. We cannot let this happen to America just to provide a payday for the likes of Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan, and these New Black Panther Party sissy boys.
I submit this in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, in faith, with the responsibility to Almighty God to honor His work and not let it die from neglect.
Bob Russell
Claremore, Oklahoma
March 28, 2012
Well said, Mr. Russell. Unless black Americans reject the race baiters and welfare pimps they will be led into a race war that cannot end well for them.
Obama has given power to the Black Panthers and we need to take it away. Call congress and badger them to pass e-verify before the election. We have to have a fair election. It is our right to expect one and get it.