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Shocker: Sandra Fluke Loves ObamaCare

A screenshot of Sandra Fluke's love letter/birthday card to ObamaCare.

I am more shocked than the eTrade Baby watching his friend scratch lottery tickets in a gas station.

This week, useful tool and all around idiot, Sandra Fluke, was allowing herself to be played on the national stage again via an article she wrote for the Huffington Post.  That’s right, y’all, the lady who was too stupid to figure out where to find $9 birth control pills has been tapped to scribble down Left-wing talking points for the country’s most high profile scandal rag.

And what has she come up with in her big piece?  She loves ObamaCare.  Well, we could have already guessed that without reading it, couldn’t we have?  The woman that’s too cheap to buy $9 birth control pills is definitely going to be too cheap to pay for her own mammograms.  Actually, here’s a list of just some of the things she doesn’t want to pay for:

…mammograms, cervical cancer screenings, pre and post natal care, flu shots, regular well-baby, well-child and well-woman visits, domestic violence screening, and the full range of Food and Drug Administration-approved contraceptives.

In the very next paragraph, she dispels the idea that this is all “too good to be true”.  (sorta)

If this seems too good to be true, think again. This is the product of women in action – this is what happens when women stand up for what they and their families need to be healthy and are finally heard by people at the highest ranks of our government. This is what it looks like when government works for us and prioritizes our health.

Um… Okay… But WHO PAYS FOR IT?  Does “the product of women in action” have a method of paying for all of this “free” stuff?

And, of course, she ends her scribble with a big thank you and happy birthday to the “Affordable Care Act”.

I know that when women have the opportunity, they will take care of their health, which in the end benefits both our families and our country. On this second anniversary of the passage of the Affordable Care Act, I express my gratitude and celebrate the new opportunity for healthy lives, before, during and after our reproductive years.

It’s not a surprise that Miss Fluke likes ObamaCare, and/or the getting of “free stuff” on the public dime, but it does seem interesting that she’s so willing to let herself be used to further the Left-wing agenda.  I hope she’s not being paid to be this Left-wing shill.  If she is, what does that make her?

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