Sandra Fluke And The Three Thousand Dollar Lie
First and foremost, before I’m accused of slander, let me say that I “feel” like Miss Fluke is being dishonest with us. I might even “believe” that she’s lied. But what I’m going to officially say is that I think she’s testified before Congress with questionable facts. Highly questionable facts… in fact. Let me explain.
The “lie” (or questionable fact) happens at around the 2:12 mark of the video below. She says that contraception, without insurance, can cost a woman “over $3000 during law school”. Let me tell y’all something, folks. Either she’s lying, or her friends are too stupid to be enrolled in Law School. Now that’s a pretty nasty claim for me to make, so let me back it up.
I used a run-of-the-mill map application to locate Georgetown University (her school) on a map. I then searched for pharmacies within close proximity to Georgetown. I then called the first one that I saw and asked how much a month’s supply of Ortho Tri-Cyclen costs WITHOUT insurance. The name brand was surprisingly pricey. I was quoted a cost of just under 45 bucks. That would equal about half of the amount Sandra Fluke told Congress it would cost. I started to think that maybe she deserved some benefit of the doubt. But then the pharmacist offered me another option (SANS INSURANCE).
I was told that if I paid $20 for the pharmacy’s club card, I could purchase a month’s supply of (generic) Ortho Tri-Cyclen for $12 a month. And that’s from a pharmacy within walking distance from Georgetown University. So instead of the proposed $1000 a year that Sandra Fluke told Congress that her friends spend on contraceptives, it was closer to $164 a year. So instead of $3000+, we are now looking at $492 for three years worth of birth control. I mean, maybe Miss Fluke is used to Congress accepting bogus budgets, but we should all be offended that she would try to be so dishonest with us.
thats brilliant! great job Ai!! wish you’d toe the line a little more though…
I am assuming that you are a proud carrier of testicles, but not a medical degree. On these assumptions I feel the need to inform you that not every woman can take the same kind of birth control, for women who smoke certain types of birth control cause health risks, such as possibility of a stroke. There are also far more kinds of birth control than the pill, some of which are incredibly expensive. Before you make such an arrogant statement, spend more than two seconds finding the facts that you want to find.
How about condoms. Can all women use those? They cost less than $1 each. You’d have to do a lot of fluking to burn through $1000.
A problem with condoms is that they are not as effective as other means of BC. Condoms have 10-15% accidental pregnancy vs hormonal methods with 1% or less. Yes, they are better than no contraception but there are many alternatives that have a much smaller pregnancy rate.
That is not quite true either. Two of our four daughters were a result of a failure of the hormonal methods. No method is foolproof except not having sex.
how about giving up smoking? That was a lame argument…and for the record, most oral birth control pills cost relatively around the same price. Yes, I’ve done my homework.
I’m curious if your map search showed a Planned Parenthood within public transport distance from the campus also? They provide important “women’s healthcare” services, as we are so constantly reminded. PP dispenses birth control from their very buildings, and do so on a graduated scale according to your financial ability to pay … which means some get b/c for practically free.
For the record, all birth control pills pose pretty much the same risk(s), and are not 100% effective. And yes, some women do have physical/medical conditions that require birth control pills for relief.
Other methods of contraception for women are either implanted, or ‘reusable’ and are still quite a bit below the $1000/yr figure Mz. Fluke put forward.
Nobody against Fluke, Obama, Pelosi, or the power-mad HHS Sec. is saying contraceptives should be outlawed for women in this country. That is pure BS. Just because somebody has to pay for something does not mean it’s prohibited. The ‘evil’ drug companies even offer solutions to those who cannot pay for their prescriptions.
This entire canard is a ploy to gain the women’s vote for democrats and Obama. It is also a red herring to pull the core point of the debate away from the fact that the contraception mandate is completely unconstitutional. If the administration wants to take this to court I’d say the Catholic church has more than enough money to hire the best lawyers to go for it.
this is part of her own testimony….
“A friend of mine, for example, has polycystic ovarian syndrome and has to take prescription birth control to stop cysts from growing on her ovaries. Her prescription is technically covered by Georgetown insurance because it’s not intended to prevent pregnancy. Under many religious institutions’ insurance plans, it wouldn’t be, and under Senator Blunt’s amendment, Senator Rubio’s bill, or Representative Fortenberry’s bill, there’s no requirement that an exception be made for such medical needs. When they do exist, these exceptions don’t accomplish their well-intended goals because when you let university administrators or other employers, rather than women and their doctors, dictate whose medical needs are legitimate and whose aren’t, a woman’s health takes a back seat to a bureaucracy focused on policing her body.”
*notice where she says that her friend is covered
I am getting really sick and tired of women “pulling the gender card” lately and dismissing anything that a man might say!! You do not speak for anyone but yourself.
Um… Did you look what she said right after where you ended your quote?
“In 65 percent of the cases at our school, our female students were interrogated by insurance representatives and university medical staff about why they needed prescriptions and whether they were lying about their symptoms. For my friend, and 20 percent of the women in her situation, she never got the insurance company to cover her prescription. Despite verification of her illness from her doctor, her claim was denied repeatedly on the assumption that she really wanted birth control to prevent pregnancy”
And she was the former president of a group that seeks to further women’s rights to contraceptives. I think that allows her to speak on the behalf of the women she’s representing.
Because all of a sudden 65% Or what 120 females all had cyst or wanted to have sex ……
Even if the §3,000 number *were* accurate, RELIGIOUS FREEDOM IN AMERICA is worth a whole damned lot more than THAT. To Hell with Fluke and her Deviancy Crew.
So; for the price of a Netflix plan, this woman is covered…
The testimony offered by Ms Fluke seems to be mostly anecdotal. In my opinion her only valid point was when she asked that religious organizations be required to provide contraception because so many people were asking for it. (While I say this was a valid point I do not think Congress nor any other agency can call for this due to freedom of religion.)
We hope we can help her out. We have sent her enough condoms for a year free. Flat ass don’t want to see her multiply! I hope a few more groups help her out. It is for our own good!