Editorial Cartoons

Iran Scam


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A.F. Branco

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One Comment

    1. Whether or not some people/corporations profit from war, does not mean that a nuclear-armed Iran is NOT a very real threat to the stability of the region, or to our ally Israel, or to the citizens of the United States. Since you used the term “propaganda”, are you implying that Iran is NOT developing a nuclear weapons program?

      1. Are you aware that “our ally Israel” has plans in place to nuke Europe and the USA if they think they’re going down? Yes, they will take the entire world down with them. We should not be in bed with this foreign country. Blindly supporting them has been and continues to be detrimental to our interests. 9-11 happened in large part b/c we blindly support Israel. We had no enemies in that region before we had a “parasite” (Oops! I meant “ally”). Are you even aware of Israeli treachery against the U.S. in the form of the Lavon Affair, the attack on the USS Liberty (during which Israel machine gunned men in the water), Jonathan Pollard, and a myriad of other spies?

        1. “We had no enemies in that region brfore the U.S started supporting Israel?” The Muslim war on Christianity has been going on for centuries. America is a Christian nation.

          “Several of these communities date back to the beginning decades of Christianity and all have weathered wave after wave of Islamic persecution for centuries and more, but in the very near future some will simply cease to exist”


    2. Neocons want war with Iran? Tell us why Liberal fake Democrats kept the wars going on in Afghan, Iraq when in complete power in Congress since 2007 again? Tell us how it was the neocons who illegally bombed Libya again? Tell us who is arming the Syrian rebels and warmongering there? Facts don’t line up with your propaganda.

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