Heinous Criminal Set Free On Technicality by Judge
News of a major crime has gripped the nation today. A heinous murder has been committed, but the murderer has been released in what has been described as a stunning miscarriage of justice. The prosecutors presented an airtight case with ample evidence to convict but the evidence was “deemed” to be irrelevant by a judge, who only a few days before had told the prosecutors that they had a slam dunk case sitting before him. As of now, no one knows what happened to change the judge’s mind so radically in only a matter of a few days. Speculation is varied, but nothing certain has been reported.
In this awful tale of deceit, conspiracy, and cold blooded murder, we find a ruthless criminal, bent on killing or enslaving an entire nation, set free without so much as a word in his defense. Prosecutors had the weapon, complete with the fingerprints of the perpetrator, present in the courtroom. Also present and testifying were numerous eye witnesses to the crime, each of which testified in gruesome detail.
Ominously not present was the defendant and his legal defense team. In an unprecedented case of arrogance, the defendant and his lawyer ignored a legal subpoena, telling the judge and the nation that the defendant was “suspending his participation in the proceedings,” when a postponement was refused on the day before the trial was to begin. Michael Jablonski, lawyer for the defendant, stated the defendant was too busy to attend the trial. Obama was busy making a campaign swing through the western states, a trip paid for by future victims of his crimes. Apparently the requirement that a defendant be allowed to face his accusers does not apply to a defendant being present in the courtroom to hear the charges brought against him. In every other case this reporter is aware of, a properly notified but absent defendant has been found “guilty in abstentia”. This case seems to be an anomaly of the most grievous kind.
The perpetrator in this case is one Barack Hussein Obama, soon-to-be dictator and President for Life of the United States of America. The victim at hand is one Constitution of the United States of America, age 235 years. The victim was forged by the blood of thousands of patriots, defended through its 235 years by the blood of thousands more, signed by leaders of a movement for freedom, and ratified by the residents of the 13 original American colonies. The death of this document is also the warrant for the imprisonment, enslavement, and death of some 230 million American citizens who no longer have the protection of their prime defender.
Despite having no arguments or documents from the defendant, the judge used a little known decision from an Indiana judge that describes a “native born citizen” to overrule two major decisions. The phrase “natural born citizen” is used in the Constitution to describe the job qualifications to serve as the president of the United States of America. The Naturalization Act of 1790, enacted by the founding fathers, and a Supreme Court case from 1875, Minor vs. Happersett (88 US 162) defined the term “natural born citizen” found in Article II Section 2 Paragraph 5 of the Constitution as “ a person born of two parents who were legal citizens at the time of said person’s birth”. The Indiana judge said anyone born within the confines of the nation is a “natural born citizen”, which flies in the face of the other cited and much more significant documents. Lawyers for the victim showed beyond a shadow of doubt that Obama’s father was a Kenyan, making him a citizen of Great Britain at the time of Obama’s birth, and therefore not a “natural born citizen” as defined by said documents.
Lawyers for the victim are astounded at the outcome, as are many of Obama’s future victims. Where the victim’s legal team and future victims go from here is still unknown at this time. It seems only God can prevent total tyranny from being foisted on the legally defenseless citizens of the United States of America. Rumors that have not been verified as of yet give much of the credit to the dictator of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, who used this same kind of operation to overthrow and enslave the people of his country.
Obama and his team of despots are elated as this means nothing can stand in the way of absolute power over the citizens of the once free and prosperous United States. It is unknown at this time exactly what Obama will do next, but his recent edict to force Christian hospitals and employers to provide sterilization and abortions on demand, in complete contradiction to the tenets of their faith, could very well be a sign of the tyranny on the horizon. Third World banana dictatorship status is expected to be bestowed upon this once great nation in the near future. Updates will be provided as they become available.
I submit this in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, in faith, with the responsibility given to my by Almighty God to honor His work and not let it die from neglect.
Bob Russell
Claremore, Oklahoma
February 3, 2012
I KNEW he would fold, like a cheap suit……I’m sure Obamas lawyers, showed him the way out…..
They must have shown him something, but it wasn’t any evidence in court if you know what I mean.
we the people we can,t let this treasonous trader,get away with this blantanly evil heinous crime,against we the people.we must vote and protest this vile trader out of office,and all the politicians who are aiding and abetting this treasonous trader.god bless all american veterans and all legal tax paying american citizens
Bob…….how do you view Orly Taitz appeal petition to Geogria Secretary of State Kemp?? https://www.orlytaitzesq.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/Appeal-to-Secretary-of-State-Kemp.pdf
I am an “all of the above” guy on this case. I hope she does some good and i hope John Dummett succeeds in his quest. Dummett has another suit set for Feb. 24 I think in Tennessee. You can find out at http://www.johndummett.us He is using a bit of a different strategy, going after the DNC and their certification of obama.
If the Secretary of State is a Democrat, I can tell you what will happen. SOROS has an established organization to help fund campaigns/elect progressives to the office of secretary of state. That is where all the issues of elections processes are controlled.
Willing to bet the same thing will happen in every state that is pursuing the same legal suit against Obama. So far, none have went through and from the looks of it, none will. He is paying off, threatening, or doing something to change these judges minds. I thought if any state had a chance it would have been Georgia, since the judge really seemed like he was going to hold Obama accountable for not showing up to court. Guess anyone can be bought, even this judge.
I’ve been there once – because I earned a free trip years ago with my sales and performance record for a company for which I worked. The sharks get tagged with electronic finders and they’re tracked
to see if they come back to the same area each year. You may change your thoughts on
the surface, but the root of those thoughts still exists deep in your subconscious
and unless you get to the root you will be constantly working on changing
your thoughts.