Freedom of Religion? Not According to the Obama Administration
The Obama administration has once again shown its arrogance and total disregard for the Constitution. In an edict sent out two weeks ago, the administration said every insurance plan would be required to pay for sterilization and abortion on demand, and will not be allowed to charge co-pays or fees. The Catholic Church would be required to provide these services at its facilities, including any affiliated hospital or university, and provide abortion coverage to its employees.
In the January 20, 2012 edict put out by Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, stated that all health care plans would be required to cover sterilization and any FDA approved contraceptives, including morning after abortion methods, and would not be allowed to charge any co-payments or fees for these services. The regulations, to take effect in August 2012 as a part of Obamacare, would provide exemptions for “religious employers” but put enough strings into the exemption to disqualify Catholic hospitals and universities, or any of their other charitable organizations. To qualify for the exemption the facility would have to employ and serve “primarily” members of the Catholic Church. The edict also gave the organization one year to comply with the rule but until then they would have to refer any patients to other organizations who would provide the specified procedures. Since the Catholic Church hires and offers services to a wide variety of people, not just those of the faith, the exemption is problematic for them.
Before I go any farther, let me quote the 1st Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America:
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…”.
So far, as bad as the federal government has been in dealing with freedom of religion it has never gone to this extent. Since the 1947 Supreme Court’s unConstitutional decision that said the “separation of church and state” prohibited the public display of any Christian symbol or activity we have seen a steady erosion of our rights as Christians to exercise our religious freedom. Now they have come to the point of thinking they can totally obliterate or control any semblance of Christian faith in America.
This is in direct conflict with the 1st Amendment provision for “the free exercise thereof”, in referring to religious practices. Catholic Church leaders around the nation are incensed at this edict and vow to ignore it.
Cardinal-designate Timothy Dolan, archbishop of New York put out a tersely worded statement that was followed by a short video of his thoughts on this matter.
This edict from Sebelius is a threat to every Christian, regardless of denomination. If the administration can force the Catholic Church to adhere to this unConstitutional ruling, they can force every church organization in the nation to adhere to it. Christians have stood back for nearly 60 years and let the government run roughshod over their Constitutional rights but it is time to turn the page and begin to fight back vigorously.
We can no longer accept the Hitler-esque tactics of the Obama administration, or any administration that violates the religious freedom of Christians. The reward for accepting government rule has taken Christians to the point of no longer being free to exercise any tenet of faith without threats of fines or imprisonment from an increasingly tyrannical government.
Adolph Hitler enacted the same kinds of rules in Nazi Germany, rules that ultimately lead to the death of some 12 million Jews, Christians, and other groups of people. The same paganism that ruled Nazi Germany is taking over in America with a government that has steadily tightened restrictions on religious freedoms until the 1st Amendment means nothing any more. If the Catholic Church, or any other Christian organization, backs down and accepts this ruling the end of Christianity in America will be at hand.
Glenn Beck had three guests on his GBTV show Monday January 20, 2012 to discuss this matter. The guests included Rabbi Daniel Lapin, a Jew; Robert Morris, an Evangelical pastor; and Bill Donohue, President of The Catholic League. You can listen to the entire discussion at this link. Mr. Donohue stated emphatically that the Catholic Church would not comply with this rule, period. Beck, Rabbi Lapin and Pastor Morris all agreed that this is an issue that crosses denominational boundaries. Beck noted that he was a Mormon, sitting with a Jew, an Evangelical, and a Catholic; all agreeing on the premise that this edict is unConstitutional and dangerous to all people of faith. All four men pledged to stick together to defeat this tyranny, whatever the cost.
It is past time to stand up against the tyranny being foisted upon We the People on a daily basis by this administration. They have destroyed our economy, stopped any and all drilling for natural gas and oil on public land, that owned by We the People, passed regulations that make mining coal extremely costly, created regulation after regulation that fly in the face of the Constitution, and now have decided to destroy what little religious freedom is left in America.
Revolution is the only answer to this tyranny. This dictatorial administration must be stopped here and now. The members of Congress must be forced to do their sworn duty to” protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America” or get tossed out on their butts. Every member of Congress needs to get thousands of calls, e-mails, and letters protesting this travesty. If We the People sit this one out the end of our Republic is upon us. Freedom isn’t free; someone has to fight for it. If not me, who; if not now, when? Each of us needs to ask ourselves this question. Peaceful protest is the preferred method if possible; but whatever the method we must stand up and refuse to obey any unlawful regulation made by an unlawful regime.
Thomas Jefferson said, “We must hang together or we will surely hang separately” in reference to the Colonists forging a unified front to oppose British oppression. We the People face the same dilemma today. If we do not stand together to oppose this oppression we will find ourselves in the same situation the Jews and Christians of Nazi Germany found themselves in. Sitting back with the attitude of “I’m not a Catholic”, which I’m not, is not an option in this battle for freedom of religion. This affects all Christians regardless of denomination or dogma. Pastor Martin Niemoller, a victim of Hitler’s genocide said it quite well, “first they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out because I was not a socialist”…. “Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak for me”. If we live by this mantra we will all either be murdered or imprisoned for our faith, or we will deny our faith to survive the coming genocide. The choice is yours but the time to decide is short. Obama and his minions are moving rapidly to marginalize and destroy people of faith, starting with the largest group, the Catholic Church.
Those who sit back and assume they are safe from this tyranny are fooling themselves, and putting all of us in imminent danger. Saul Alinsky’s book, “Rules for Radicals”, lays this plan out very clearly. Isolate, marginalize, and destroy is the tactic espoused by Alinsky and is being used by the Obama administration to destroy what semblance of religions freedom is still tolerated by this unlawful regime.
I submit this in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, in faith, with the responsibility give to me by Almighty God to honor His work and not let it die from neglect.
Bob Russell
Claremore, Oklahoma
January 31, 2012
“They have become destructive to those ends”. Our government is no longer beneficial, respectful,or obligated to follow the rule of the supreme law of the land, which they swore an oath to. Not representing the people, they’ve become domestic terrorists. More harmful to freedom and liberty than any other terrorist organization, they have become the enemy of the American people. They’ve lost their way, we can’t allow this criminal faction to stand, and destroy our country. I haven’t surrendered any of my constitutional rights, and the government doesn’t have the power to take them. To attempt to do so is a declaration of war, us against them. Let’s roll.