10th Circuit Says Oklahoma’s Anti-Sharia Law Un-Constitutional
The U S 10th Circuit Court of Appeals has upheld a ruling by U S District Court Judge Vicki Miles-LeGrange that Oklahoma State Question 755, passed on November 2, 2010, is unconstitutional. The State Question was passed by 70% of the voters of the State of Oklahoma to ban the use of Shari Law, International Law, or the laws of any foreign country in the state.
The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) filed a lawsuit saying the question discriminated against Muslims in Oklahoma. In the original filing, CAIR’s Oklahoma director called the bill a case of “anti-Muslim bigotry”.
“This is an important reminder that the Constitution is the last line of defense against a rising tide of anti-Muslim bigotry in our society, and we are pleased that the appeals court recognized that fact,” said Muneer Awad. “We are also hopeful that this decision serves as a reminder to politicians wishing to score political points through fear-mongering and bigotry.”
The 10th Circuit agreed with Judge Miles-LeGrange and upheld her ruling in an opinion released on January 10, 2012.
Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt said that states have the right to establish their own court systems and have a say in which sets of laws are followed.
“With the decision by the U.S. 10th Circuit Court of Appeals to uphold a temporary stay of State Question 755, the case will return to the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Oklahoma to determine its constitutionality,” Attorney General Scott Pruitt said. “My office will continue to defend the state in this matter and proceed with the merits of the case.”
The US Constitution *already* protects us from Sharia law ever being applied, so this Oklahoma law was not adding any new protections that we don’t already have. What it *did* do was prohibit courts from recognizing the personal religious wishes of Muslims in personal contracts such as wills. That is such an obvious attack on freedom of religion that you’d have to be a moron not to think it would be struck down immediately.
Also, the 10th court is not a liberal court. It’s moderate to conservative.
Honestly, people. Use the brain cells god gave you.
Pick up the three books of islam, koran, hadith, sura, islam violates HUMAN RIGHTS. islam requires you to beat your wife, Advocates marrying/sex with children, enslavement of nonmuslims for sex or work, amputations for theft or leaving islam, advocates hanging homosexuals, advocates stonings for adultry, advocates beadings of Non muslims, Christians and Jews. Islam is a political, legal, and economic system with very few actual religious attributes. That is the stand we need to take in order to stop this barbaric form of law from being implementd anywhere in our country.