Letter to Congress: S.1867/HR 1540

Please copy this letter, put your name on it and send it to your congressional delegation. Your freedom is at stake. Put this on top of S. 679 that takes congressional oversight away and you have the final ingredient needed for tyranny to take over in America. I am e-mailing this to my representatives today.

December 10, 2011

Sen. Coburn, Sen. Inhofe, Rep. Boren,

I am writing about the National Defense Authorization Act (S. 1867/H. R. 1540). This legislation authorizes the President of the United States to order the military to arrest and detain American citizens for “suspected” terrorist activities or sympathies. It also provides for indefinite detention, at sites either inside or outside of the United States, without charges being preferred against said citizen. Apparently, according to a White House statement, Obama objects to the alien detainee provisions of this legislation. That is just great, our esteemed leader objects to alien detention but not citizen detention! That tells me a great deal about the design and purpose of this legislation. All that is necessary to enact the provision of this legislation is for a neighbor to denounce a citizen as a “possible terrorist”. History is full of denunciations; the French revolution, the Salem witch trials, the Russian revolution, Nazi Germany, China, Cuba, North Korea, etc.

By passing this legislation you are effectively negating the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 8th amendments to the Constitution of the United States of America. This legislation has also begun the active search for private companies to staff the FEMA camps that have been built as a result of S. 645, passed in 2009 I believe it was. At the time I protested the building of these camps, designed just like the concentration camps of Nazi Germany. The response was that these camps were built for housing victims of natural disasters. I didn’t buy that lie then and I don’t buy it now. These camps are for the subjugation and imprisonment of American citizens who will not bow down to a tyrant.

If the government intent is housing victims of natural disasters, why the razor wire and barbed wire? Why the double fence with a guard and dog run between the fences? Why the huge iron gates with the massive locks and chains? Why the guard houses outside the compound? Why the machine gun capable guard towers? Why the proximity to railroad tracks, just as in Nazi Germany? Am I to understand that civilians being housed after their homes have been destroyed have to be fenced in like animals? Sounds like Bovine Scatology to me.

And why all of a sudden does Congress and the Obama regime begin staffing these camps? This new legislation comes out, after the camps being around for 3 years, and suddenly it is important to begin staffing them right before the 2012 elections? Would this have anything to do with Governor Beverly Perdue (D- North Carolina) calling for the suspension of elections? Would this have anything to do with Rep. Jesse Jackson (D-ILL), and others, calling for the suspension of the Constitution so Barack Obama can “do what he needs to do” to “transform this nation”? Is this in preparation for those who disobey martial law provisions?

Would this have anything to do with the provision in Obamacare providing for a civilian “defense force” equal to or greater than the United States military, equipped as well or better than the United States military and pledging their loyalty to Obama? Has this happened before in history? I seem to remember Hitler’s Brown Shirts, the SS, and the Gestapo. I remember the KGB and their terror campaign against anyone who spoke up for freedom, or was even suspected of thinking about freedom.

If the government is concerned about ”homegrown” muslim terrorists it doesn’t need FEMA camps divided into 10 districts with hundreds of camps scattered throughout the nation. There aren’t that many muslims, much less muslim terrorists in America. Of course, with the current regime not acknowledging muslim terrorism that can’t be the reason for the camps can it?

And what does the current regime, and many in Congress, consider the threat to America? Let’s take a look at what the Department of Homeland Security considers a threat: Military veterans, especially combat veterans and those with special operations training, white males, Christians, NRA members, people missing fingers (?), those who are against abortion on demand, TEA Party members or supporters, anyone with extra food and water in case of emergencies, gun owners, and on and on. Need I go on with the list?
That our government is targeting American citizens with this bill is plain enough. The Obama regime, along with the Democrats and RINO’s in Congress, has been targeting conservatives for several years and now we see this being brought into a clearer focus.

It is bad enough that these things are happening but to see the votes be 93-7 in the Senate and 406-17 in the House is staggering, and frightening. Now I understand that the versions are being forged into a single bill behind closed doors. Once again We the People see our government doing things behind closed doors, subjugating us by subterfuge. Transparancy? Not in Washington D. C.

All of a sudden Lindsey Graham and John McCain come out and say they didn’t realize that this bill provides for the repeal of sodomy and bestiality regulations in the military. It is bad enough that these regulations are taken out but for two of the leading proponents of this to now say they didn’t know what is in the bill is appalling once again. Do they, or you, know what else is in the bill? Is this “we have to pass it so we can find out what is in it” legislation again? Does anyone read anything in Washington or does everyone go on talking points by those who write such tripe?

This is what Operation Fast & Furious was all about wasn’t it? Manufacture an excuse to abolish the 2nd Amendment and begin the systematic confiscation of all firearms. Adolph Hitler did this as a prelude to his massacre of millions, Stalin did this as a prelude to his massacre of millions, and guess what, every other despot who desires to subject his citizens to tyranny first rounds up any method of self-defense before slaughtering citizens wholesale.

You have essentially declared war, in the normal back room manner, on We the People, the citizens of the United States. I believe Congress and the administration either don’t understand the gravity of what you are doing or don’t care. Our nation was forged when farmers and woodsmen who desired to live in freedom stood up against a tyrannical government and won their freedom from King George and England. We the People will not be subjugated again. Our forefathers have fought war after war against tyranny, first to stop the tyranny, and many more times to prevent it from returning.

The Revolutionary War won our freedom, the War of 1812 preserved it. The Civil War won freedom for slaves, black and white. World War II preserved the freedom won in the first wars by stopping the tyranny of Hitler, Mussolini, and Tojo. And now while our brave soldiers are fighting tyranny in foreign lands their government is busy subjugating their families back home.

This will not be allowed to stand. You can kill thousands of us, you can imprison millions of us in the FEMA camps but you will never be able to subjugate the will of the American people. We have known freedom for too long to let it go by the wayside now. Americans are not going to give up their guns and passively walk into the gas chambers as the Jews did in Nazi Germany. We the People will not stand idly by and see our freedoms taken by despots, regardless of which political party they belong to. You will have to fight us in the streets, the country, and wherever you find us. There are millions of us ready to defend our freedoms, and the freedoms of our fellow citizens, with our lives. We will not surrender to tyranny peacefully.

Congress needs to scrap this legislation and go back to the drawing board. In the first place, these “comprehensive” bills have more trash than substance in them because no one reads any of them due to the length and the fact that reading legislation takes time away from “more important things”. Any provision that allows citizens to be treated other than provided for in the Constitution should be summarily tossed into the garbage can. Our national defense can be provided for without subjugating the American people to summary arrest without charge, without trial, without just cause.

The same Republicans who gave us the Patriot Act are now tightening the screws even more. I assume this will continue until we fight back. I don’t condone violence and don’t wish to see it come to that but We the People can only take so much before we won’t back up any longer. The TEA Party arose out of abuse by government, choosing to peacefully protest government tyranny. Unlike the Occupy Wall Street clowns, TEA Party people rallied in peace, without assaults, without vandalism, without rapes, without attacking police, without arrests. That should prove the patriotism of TEA Party minded people and show government that we expect to be heard without resorting to violence.

Don’t misunderstand and take the peaceful rallies of conservatives as a lack of resolve. Peaceful doesn’t mean cowardly, it means willing to work within the system to make changes. Peaceful doesn’t mean we will willingly march to the slaughter house.
I look forward to hearing that this situation has been resolved and that We the People are not going to be forced to fight a second war for independence.

I submit this in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, in faith, with the responsibility given to me by Almighty God to honor His work and not let it die from neglect.

Bob Russell
Claremore, Oklahoma

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Bob Russell

Graduated from Classen High School in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma in May, 1968. Enlisted in the U S Army on December 11, 1968, serving 3 years in the 7th Special Forces Group as a Heavy Weapons Expert, attaining the rank of Sgt. E 5. upon separation went to work at Southwestern Bell Telephone on January 17, 1972 and retired on August 31, 2003. Also spent 1 year on active reserve as a member of the 14th Special Forces Group. attaining the rank of Staff Sgt. E6. started and operated a business installing wiring for telephone, data, and video surveillance systems from October 2003 until December 2011. Suffered a debilitating stroke on August 19, 2014. Now recovering and doing volunteer work at the Claremore, Oklahoma Veterans Center. Attends church in Claremore at CedarPoint and LifeChanger churches. Married to wife Marsha since August 2, 1989 with 4 daughters and a deceased son, 12 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren.

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One Comment

  1. The government is not concerned about muslim terrorists at all. Instead, they are only concerned about stealing the God given rights from We the People so they can “radically transform America” into their version of a communist “utopia” that by the wildest coincidence they will run.

    Yes this is precisely how tyrants and dictators take power; by stealing it while holding a political office. If We the People are too stupid or lazy to do anything to stop them then we are part of the problem. That is why state Constitutional Militias must be re-activated as they are the last resort to prevent the destruction of America.

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