Occupiers Plan to Get Between Shoppers and Black Friday Deals? Get the Popcorn.
The Occupy Wall Street anarchists, rabble-rousers and homeless misfits plan on “Occupying Black Friday” across America today. They plan on blocking access to big stores and preventing people from getting in on the super low prices on items that are in very low quantity and very limited time offerings. This results in some people getting pretty determined to be one of the first people to get into the store, resulting in some folks even camping out at store entrances the night Before the sale. Do these clueless Occupiers not understand the dangers of coming between sale-crazed Black Friday shoppers and their trophy bargains?
This has all the makings of a publicity stunt that could get real dangerous, real quick.

For example, On Dec. 23 of last year, police narrowly averted a consumer uprising in suburban Sacramento, California, where over 1,000 people had gathered at a shopping mall and nearly sparked a riot. The cause of all this unrest was a pair of shoes. Every member of the angry horde was after the latest line of Nike Air Jordans, complete with a $175 price tag. This results in Mall/Black Friday sale shopping inducing behavior that has been dubbed “competitive consumption,” in which a “hard-won purchase becomes a trophy for valor in combat.
Have the Occupiers considered that for many sale-crazed shoppers today, the Black Friday shopping day has become an arena where serious deal seekers will resort to very real combat tactics just to ensure they are one of the few who can claim a trophy by being among the first 50 people in the store today? And these Occupiers are going to get between shoppers and the deal of the year? Has someone donated full sets of riot gear to the Occupiers? The Occupiers like to falsely claim that they represent the 99% of society. When they get between deal-crazed shoppers that have been up all night drawing up their battle plans to get into Best Buy’s Black Friday Sale which started at midnight, they had better be prepared to find out just what the 99% of the real citizenry is capable of when they are deadset on getting their Black Friday deals by being one of the first shoppers in the store.
Check out, 9 Shocking Examples Of Black Friday Violence . With the current recession and high unemployment in America today, people are struggling to stretch their family budgets as far as they can. Snagging that 40 inch HD TV for $200.00 at a Black Friday sale would go a long way in helping folks stretch their Christmas gift budgets, and anyone planning on blocking store entrances as a part of the Occupy Black Friday protect publicity stunt should think twice before doing so.