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Herman Cain's Press Conference (Video)
Republican primary candidate Herman Cain spoke out today about allegations of sexual harassment from accuser, Sharon Bialek. His 9 minute press conference is below.
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Accusation is not evidence of wrong doing. When dealing with the livelihood of those who are being systematically accused during a political campaign for the purpose of clouding a candidates prospects for success, the highest level of scrutiny must be applied to the accuser. A complete scrubbing of their background and motives based upon their friendships, affiliations, political voting record, campaign donations and previous history of male-female encounters. Why? Because the stakes are so high caused by the amount of power and money that is attached to the position of POTUS. It is not beyond believability that woman of the Democrat Party would purger themselves in sycophant loyalty to their ideology and their own candidates. Cain has the American right to defend himself and destroy these women if need be to maintain his reputation and his family’s well-being. After all, if one looks at this with an eye to its most destructive outcome, Herman Cain is not only running for POTUS but he is in a fight of his life to keep what he worked so hard to achieve all these years.