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Creepy Video Of The Day Courtesy Of Occupy Wall Street

I don’t know what these hipsters think; I really don’t.  This guy (who seems to think he’s clever) comes along side a Fox News reporter and gives a “serial killer” stare into the camera as he walks beside the poor reporter.  Now, I don’t know why these people do this.  They crap on cop cars and screw around with reporters and still expect people to take their cause seriously.

What do you think?  Am I overreacting?  Is he just some harmless kid having fun?  Or is he just another bat sh*t crazy example of what’s wrong with these protestors?

Let us know in the comments below, and feel free to leave as many responses as you want.  This month we’re running a special that’s half off.  And half off of “nothing” is nothing, so as always, you can comment for free.  Start typing.

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One Comment

  1. That was creeptastic.

    I hope he smacked that dude with his umbrella when the camera went off of him.

  2. Gotta love Ralph!! His last line cracked me up! It’s a pathetic Congress that doesn’t recognise ANARCHY. Planned by Van Jones, Steve Lerner, Trumpka and funded by Soros. There is no MESSAGE and never was unless throw the government over communist style counts. Our President is complisant by his silence. They ARE his friends and supporters. This is going to get a lot more violent right up to the election. We won’t recognise America. Better support your 2nd amendment rights. The Republic is moribund and democracy is disintigrating. Have you noticed that C.A.I.R has the President’s and DHS ear? Jews and Christians don’t. C.A.I.R is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood. If Obama is re-elected it will be SUCKS TO BE US!!!!

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