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Poll: CEOs Prefer Romney as GOP Candidate; Cain Rising Fast

GREENWICH, Conn., Oct. 17, 2011 — An exclusive poll shows CEOs prefer Mitt Romney as the GOP’s presidential candidate next November, according to Over 43% of CEOs chose Romney as their preferred candidate while 25.6% chose another former CEO, Herman Cain. Jon Huntsman was third with 8.1% of CEO support.

“The support of CEOs provides a powerful endorsement in an election focused on economic revitalization and job creation,” says CEO Marshall Cooper. “In addition, CEOs carry immense influence and can typically tap powerful donor networks and their own cash for campaign contributions.”

In the Republican field, three candidates have CEO experience. Mitt Romney served as co-founder and general partner of Bain Capital, CEO of Bain & Company and CEO of the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympic Games Organizing Committee. Herman Cain served as CEO of Godfather’s Pizza. Jon Huntsman is the son of the founder of the multi-billion revenue
conglomerate Huntsman Corp. and served as CEO of his family’s investment company.

CEOs overwhelmingly believe that Romney will also appeal to the full Republican base as 79.2% believe he will eventually emerge as the GOP nominee. All other candidates trail far behind Romney – 10.3% think Perry is most likely to take the Republican nomination and 6.4% think Herman Cain will make his way onto the ballot.

Governor Perry’s favor has dropped significantly since’s September poll where 49.2% of CEOs thought Perry would take the nomination and 27.9% of CEOs
preferred Perry as the GOP’s presidential candidate. Perry serves as governor of Texas, which CEOs ranked as the best state for business in the Chief Executive’s 2011 Best/Worst
States for Business poll.

The poll surveyed active CEOs from Oct. 11-13 with 234 respondents.

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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One Comment

  1. The framework and underlying premise here is that corporate CEO experience and acceptance by CEO’s of corporations somehow automatically translates to better credentials for being President of the United States and leader of 300 million people with highly diverse and competing interests. Right? Just checking. Not so sure about that assertion as “a given.” Just sayin’.

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