Obama Fleeces Seniors to Pay for Jobs Bill
As President Obama lands his taxpayer-funded corporate jet in North Carolina and Virginia this week, and then takes a short bus ride to speak to the people about his jobs bill, it would be nice if Senior citizens showed up to confront him about the provision in his jobs bill that mandates a government kickback for every single medicare/medicaid prescription drug purchase, to be paid to the government by the drug companies. This will hurt Seniors more than any other group of citizens.
Add that information to this report about how Obama’s fake jobs plan will cause the loss of some 238,000 jobs in the pharmaceutical sector, and we see just how President Obama is misleading the American public about his jobs plan today.
Senior citizens recently saw their Medicare premium, deductible and drug prescription co-pays increase, which is detailed here.
In that factual report, we see some very nasty gimmickry being used that would allow the government to tell Seniors that they have lowered some deductibles, which is true, but they increase average senior medicare costs across the board. Check out the cost of the Senior’s deductible and co-pays for hospital stays in that report, and you will see exactly how the government is squeezing our Seniors today.
Douglas Holtz-Eakin, President of American Action Forum and a former Director of the CBO, says that these price controls “would put people out of work, increase costs for seniors and privately-insured patients, and slow research and development for new drugs.”
When President Obama brings his teleprompter to North Carolina and Virginia this week to tell the people that his jobs plan is paid for in full, what he won’t tell you is that a big portion of it is paid for on the backs of our Seniors through this mandated drug rebate scam. If drug companies want to do business with medicare and medicaid, they will pay Chicago-style mandated graft and kick-backs to the government in the forms of innocent sounding “rebates.” That will drive up the cost of Senior’s prescriptions and it already has, as we saw co-pays raised last week. When Obama tells us that his Independent economists say his jobs plan will “create or save” 1.9 million jobs, it turns out that the main independent economist wasn’t so independent after all: That’s (1.9 million jobs) a number generated by Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s, and a cheerleader for the Administration. Zandi generated the estimate before even knowing that the White House planned to “pay for” the legislation with a $1.5 trillion permanent tax increase. After getting the rest-of-the-story, Zandi amended his analysis. In a letter to Congress, Zandi stood by his rosy jobs prediction, but noted that the tax increases would create a “drag on the economy” within a year of implementation, and by 2015 the economy would be in “the same place” as now.
As far as President Obama’s “independent economists” saying this jobs plan will create jobs, Bloomberg has surveyed 34 other economists and the truth they expose is all-telling once again. See The Jobs Bill Lie. Check that article out. Instead of the 2% economic growth Obama claims we will see as from his jobs plan, five of those “independent economists” believe it will result in zero % GDP growth! The median GDP growth would be about a paltry 0.6% on average as figured by all 34 economists in the Bloomberg survey. A jobs bill that isn’t actually a jobs bill but in fact is nothing more than a gift for his Union get-out-the-vote-pals in 2012.
So not only will Seniors be fleeced to pay for Obama’s jobs plan, we now see that it will in fact not increase from 750,000 – 1.9 million jobs. Half a trillion dollars worth of Union graft and bribery, which is no different than the failed Stimulus boondoggle of 2009, is being touted as a “jobs bill” this week by President Obama. To top it all off, Obama’s jobs plan raises taxes during a recession, which is a proven way to drive us into a double-dip great recession or an economic depression. It would be great to see Seniors in North Carolina and Virginia call out President Obama on his fake jobs plan and show him these facts, and also tell him they are not being fooled by it one bit! If there are any Seniors out there who have not yet registered to vote, it is high time you pay attention to what is happening here and get active. You can easily register to vote online and submit your voting ballot right from home, as explained here.
2012 just can’t get here fast enough!