Editorial Cartoons

"Operation Fast and Sleazy" (Gibson)


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A.F. Branco

Political cartoonist extraordinaire! Readers will now be able to enjoy his razor-sharp political humor on a regular basis.

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One Comment

  1. Because the “main stream media” won’t cover this issue, I’m hoping that this and all related articles get shared… Thank you…. ~A.F.Branco

  2. Perfect, Tony! Never have we had an administration with such an agenda in place… it’s the war on America being waged from our very own White House & Capitol building!

  3. Well done! I can’t believe what they are doing to this country. Keep up the great political commentary & toons!

  4. Mr. Branco,
    I love your cartoons! So creative, simple, yet articulate. There is elegance in simplicity I always say. The reason for my note is I want to ask you this. If I have some ideas for some political cartoons do you accept these?; What is the best way for me to get you these ideas?
    What is the turnaround time for your publishing them?
    I’ve always appreciated political humor and have some ideas for cartoons I would like to provide you, I like your style.
    Greg Abel
    Lincoln CA

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