Money & The Economy

House Republicans Pass Highway (to Hell) Bill by Voice Vote

Yesterday, Sept. 14, 2011 should be marked as an eye-opening day of revelation for conservative voters across the nation that handed the U.S. House of Representatives to the GOP in the historic 2010 elections. Why should this day be such an eye-opener? Well, this is the day that Republicans used the Liberal trickery that we have seen for the past 5 years to pass a critical leglislative spending bill by voice vote.

First of all, they quietly passed the bill by voice vote. This is the gimmickry that politicians use when they want to deny grassroots watchdog groups the ability to hold representatives accountable for their votes on such critical issues as highway funding. Speaker Boehner will have a hell of a lot of explaining to do when the media gets ahold of this information. This all started when House Majority Leader (and Boehner confidant/apprentice) Eric Cantor announced that the House GOP would not use the looming short-term C.R.spending bill to continue the fight with Democrats over spending levels.  So the people handed the GOP a majority in the House, which is supposed to control the taxpayers purse by the way, and instead will go along with increased spending levels dictated by the “grand bargain” known as the debt deal. This intial capitulation was noted over at Roll Call here, in which we see Cantor brush off the very folks who put him and Boehner in control of the House in 2010:

The Virginia Republican said that while he and other Republicans will continue to seek cuts to the federal budget, they will stick to the debt deal with the White House that sets spending at a higher level than the GOP’s budget.   ( emphasis mine)

So once again we see that the cowards of Congress are afraid to hold the line on debt spending even though America’s credit rating was downgraded and we are fast approaching $15 trillion dollars of national debt. Cantor basically came out with the excuse that the government will shut down if they don’t continue to collapse the U.S economy through fiscal insanity:

The risk of bringing about brinkmanship or another shutdown [fight] would not be helpful,” Cantor said, insisting that Republicans by and large support addressing the CR in a manner “without there having to be another potential for shutdown and [instead] maintain our focus” on jobs.

This is what happens when you have elected officials perpetually concerned with scoring campaign points over actually doing the jobs they are paid to do. Cantor releases that statement on Monday, as a way to prep the conservative base to get used to more bloated debt spending bills that will increase our debt instead of putting up a fight to get spending under control. That statement was released on Monday and low and behold look what transpired on Tuesday the very next day: This comes to us from Mr. Russ Vought via, who actually works for The Heritage Foundation:

Then we find out that a separate bill (H.R. 2887) to extend the federal highway and aviation programs for six months was rushed through the House this afternoon without even a recorded vote. ( emphasis mine)

Holding votes on massive spending bills which allow reps. to hide under the cover of a voice vote where they can not be held accountable for their actions is a nasty disservice to the American people, no matter how you slice it. While we have come to expect this kind of tyrannical gimmickry from the Liberal fake Democrats, we expect better from the GOP. If you clowns think you can slip this past we the people, you’ve got another thing coming. Witness Mr. Vought’s above-linked article and this one right here. Boehner, Cantor and company have effectively used the “sacred debt ceiling deal” to line up with the fake Democrats of the past five years to keep on spending America into insolvency. This points to a famous saying of yester-year: “They are all in this together!”

The Progressive Socialism pimps have effectively moved the bar by controlling the message once again. It is now [supposedly] unacceptable for we the people to demand that Congress stop the insanity and only spend what they take in every year. America has now moved from a center-right, prosperous freedom-loving nation, to a nation of cowards who will allow the tyrants of big government to drive our system right into a collision with massive debt problems from which we will never recover. The “R” that is supposed to represent the conservative values of our Republican Party has been tarnished once again today. To pull this kind of stunt all in the name of being moderates to work with our ” friends across the aisle”  while irreparably damaging American’s future prosperity through irresponsible debt spending increases, and then using Liberal leglislative gimmickry to avoid accountability by doing it through a voice vote really makes me lose hope for the future of our Republic. While we need to remain optimistic about the future of America, it is very hard to do so considering the fact that, thanks to Liberal Democrat Harry Reid blocking and refusing to act on any House passed spending bills in the U.S. Senate, America will once again operate with no firm spending budget in place for the third straight year. How’s that hope n change workin out for you America? Barack Obama and the Liberals want to dump four more years of this nonsense onto us in the 2012 elections, and now apparently have enlisted the help of  House Republicans.  We truly are on the Highway to insolvency hell people, and it is just a matter of how fast we will get there now.

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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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