FeaturedMoney & The Economy

The Country Needs a Plan for Growth and Texas Has the Answers

Texas Flag on MapThe Lone Star State is a symbol of success for free-market policy. Austin Local Me reported in May that Texas created more jobs than the eight other states that created any jobs at all combined according to Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Nine states, including Texas, had more jobs in March 2011 than in that month five years earlier. And Texas’ gains far outpaced the combined total for the other states: 539,500 vs. 134,400.

Texas created more than a half million jobs and the other eight states that had any growth at all could not measure up when their totals were combined. What is Texas’ secret?

The article was intended as a fact-check of Rick Perry’s statement that Texas created more jobs than all other states combined. The fact check came out TRUE.

The foundation’s claim that Texas “created more jobs than all other states combined” stands up — considering only those states that had net job gains over five years. That’s the methodology usually used to define job creation in public discourse.

In a nutshell, Texas has a strong history and current policy of allowing the free market to remain free. Government is kept minimal, regulation only where necessary, no income tax and keeping corporate taxation favorable to the economy. These are exactly the opposite of policies coming from states like California and New York and from the Obama administration.

Rick Perry is the epitome of Texas-style governance (Ann Richards not withstanding). He turned down Obama’s federal education money saying that the program “smacks of a federal takeover of our public schools”.

As Texas is irrefutable proof that Obama’s policies are wrong and that free markets work, it is no wonder that he has a visible anti-Texas policy. However, he should realize that without most prosperous state in the union, Obama’s economic and unemployment numbers would be far worse than they already are.

God Bless America, God Bless the great state of Texas.


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Rich Mitchell

Rich Mitchell is the editor-in-chief of Conservative Daily News and the president of Bald Eagle Media, LLC. His posts may contain opinions that are his own and are not necessarily shared by Bald Eagle Media, CDN, staff or .. much of anyone else. Find him on twitter, facebook and

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One Comment

  1. Also of interest and important notice is the fact that the Texas constitution mandates a balanced budget every two years, and they use reality-based numbers, not the budgetary gimmicks and disugusting spin of the Federal government today when they talk numbers. Imagine if we had Rick Perry applying Texas’ conservative principles on a federal level as President!

  2. If people really want to correct all the damage obamao has caused here is what they could do. Allow Texas to annex the rest of the nation except, possibly Cal and NY since they are too liberally minded anyway and, of course, DC should be left to fend for itself after the devestation it has caused. Then you wouldn’t have to go to the trouble and time to undo all the bad legislation and regulations that have come to fruition under the socialist-in-chief. After the Fed and all the federal employees ( yes, house and senate will be unemployed ) are out of work, the deep debt that the feds are concerned with no longer exist except for those that created it. The foreigners that are owed because of creation of all this debt can have the feds, including obamao as indentured servants. There are some things that need to be worked out yet but I like the idea.

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