The United States Enters 4th War? Against Pakistan?
We see some more startling news about supposedly NATO gunships now attacking a Pakistani Army post and injuring two soldiers today. From CNSNEWS.COM:
DERA ISMAIL KHAN, Pakistan (AP) — A NATO helicopter attacked a Pakistani army post near the Afghan border Tuesday, injuring two Pakistani soldiers in an incident that could further increase tension following the U.S. raid that killed Osama bin Laden, Pakistani intelligence officials said.
A Pakistani Army post on the border with Afghanistan gets attacked by a gunship chopper and a NATO puppet says that yes there has been an “incident” and we will have to access the situation. Why isn’t the U.S. Military Commander in charge there answering questions and explaining why we have now attacked Pakistan on their own soil ? I do believe this is turning out to be just like in Libya, where a bomb strike murdered 3 innocent children and Ghaddafi’s son, and the only explanation we have to date is that it was a “NATO” plane. Why are the people not being told if it was a U.S. plane ( most likely), or a plane from another country that bombed those innocent children? Maybe if we made G.W. Bush Preisdent for one more day the supposed mainstream media would have the courage to investigate and report the facts behind the bombing? I am pretty certain that Bush would be called a murderer and war criminal if he had attacked Libya under these same conditions. Thus the media spin and lies continue today, in keeping Americans in the dark about the truth. So who attacked Pakistan today ?
There were helicopters operating in the border region, and we are aware there has been an incident, said NATO coalition spokesman Lt. Col. John Dorrian. “But we are going to have to assess the situation.”He declined to give further details or say which NATO country was involved. (emphasis mine)
Just as the U.S. is now hiding behind the NATO coalition disguise to wage an illegal war action against Libya, it now appears it is being used here to deny accountability for today’s attack on Pakistan. The fact is, that most Helicopter gunships flying in this region are in fact, AMERICAN.
Pakistani troops responded with machine gun fire and deployed two helicopter gunships over the post, but the
AmericanNATO helicopter had already left, they said. ( strikeout is mine)
Is the U.S. now at war with Pakistan, making us involved in a record four wars at one time ? It will be interesting to see the spin and misinformation to come out of the media propagandists when the White House gives its mandated talking points in order to cover this debacle up. One thing is for sure, Obama has already played most of his “blame Bush” cards, but now he can just blame a mysterious, unidentified NATO gunship as the culprit here. People can not call anyone a war criminal for the murder of innocents in Libya, and now nobody can be held accountable for today’s attack on a Pakistani Army post. Isn’t this convenient for the previously anti-war Senator Obama? It sure is, seeing as he is in perpetual campaign mode 24/7, some year and a half before the 2012 elections.